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Paulo Leonardo Benatto

Bachelor in computer science having expertise in software development, good professional relationship and focused at work. With 6 years of professional experience in software development using basically, C/C++, I am now looking for new challenges and opportunities that allow me to learn new technologies and work with new people.


Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana (UNIOESTE), BS in Computer Science, December 2007.






DBA Technology

I attended of the project to develop a system of vehicle count on Brazilian highways, basically my task was read files with a lot of records and parse all information, store in memory and report this information in a human readable. This project was developed using language C ANSI and Linux platform. The second project that I attended was developing a parking meter system using python language and Raspberry PI. My main task was do inter-process communication using DBus.


Back-end development of web system for intelligent monitoring and management of natural disasters using Python and the Django framework. Front-end with Javascript (JQuery, Bootstrap, Google Maps API), JSON, HTML5, CSS. Modeling and use of object-relational database and geographic objects with PostgreSQL/PostGIS.

TeamWork, Joker, Bug Factory (This is a pattern that I developed =), Coffee Maker, Per learning.

Digitro - NDS

I worked during one year with great team focused in lawful interception. The most of my time I was working with C language, GCC compiler and Linux platform. Basicly my work was create "parses"(programs) to analyze the content of network packets, extract all information to store on databases.

To ease the work we used the libpcap project. libpcap is a system-independent interface for user-level packet capture. libpcap provides a portable framework for low-level network monitoring. Applications include network statistics collection, security monitoring, network debugging, etc.

To create tests on the project we used the CUnit API and to build and execute them, we created a jenkins environment.

I worked a little bit with java, our team was big, and I would like to learn another world. =)

Tools/Technologies: GCC, Wireshark, VIm editor, Linux, Shell Script, Jenkins, Splint, Valgrind, Network Protocols, libpcap.

Digitro - STE

I worked a little bit with embedded systems developing an IP Phone. I was responsible to cross-compile EFL (Enlightenment Foundation Libraries) and develop the IP Phone interface. I had to work with a design team, this was awesome.

I worked in a team to develop a softphone (program for making telephone calls over the Internet) using C/C++ language and Windows platform. I studied a lot SIP, UDP, TCP and others protocols.

In some moments I worked with shell, lua and python (scripting). I had to administer Linux systems, Asterisk, OpenSER, Kamailio and others.

Tools/Technologies: Network protocols (TCP, UDP, SIP/SIPS, RTP), GCC, C/C++ language, Shell Script, MongoDB, lua, Wireshark, EFL, libsofia-sip, VIm, VisualStudio.


This was my first formal job and I learned a lot with great professionals. Here I worked with Asterisk and Linux administration. We created an asterisk advanced course (using latex).

I worked a little bit with PHP and MySQL, to customize the web page administration of our product.

Tools/Technologies: Debian GNU/Linux, MySQL, Network Protocols, Shell Script.


  • Linux
  • C
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • Shell
  • Coffee maker
  • Bug factory =)
  • Goolge reading =)

Projects Open Source

  • Project libmalelf: Open source project, developed in C, with the intent to study binaries ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) and assist the process of infecting binaries and provide a safe way to analyze malwares. This a research tool and I'm not responsible for any damage caused by using this tool. Github:

  • Project libpenetra: Open source project, developed in C, with the intent to study windows binaries, PE (Portable Executable). The main goal is dissect PE binary to provide a safe way to analyze malwares. Github:

  • Project malelf: Open source project, developed in C, malelf is a command line tool that use libmalelf to provide features like: dissect, disasseble, infect, analyze, report info in XML or TXT. This a research tool and I'm not responsible for any damage caused by using this tool. Github:

  • Libunstable: Library in C developed to draw table on shell. Github:



My curriculuim vitae (latex/pdf).






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