The unstable library is an easy way to print a table.
The library is written in pure C, so the build process is very simple.
First, get the source:
$ git clone
- ./configure
- make
- make install
Simple example to create a table.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unstable/unstable.h>
int main()
UnsTable table;
/* Headers Finished with NULL! */
char *headers[] = {"Header1", "Header2", "Header3", NULL};
/* Exemplo using method unstable_add_row() */
char *row[] = {"Value41", "Value42", "Value43", NULL};
/* Must call init method - width, rows, column */
unstable_init(&table, 78, 4, 3);
unstable_set_title(&table, "Table Title");
unstable_set_headers(&table, headers);
/* String Values */
unstable_add_str_value(&table, "Value11");
unstable_add_str_value(&table, "Value12");
unstable_add_str_value(&table, "Value13");
/* HEX Values */
unstable_add_hex_value(&table, 0x21);
unstable_add_hex_value(&table, 0x22);
unstable_add_hex_value(&table, 0x23);
/* INT Values */
unstable_add_int_value(&table, 31);
unstable_add_int_value(&table, 32);
unstable_add_int_value(&table, 33);
unstable_add_row(&table, row);
/* Free the memory */
return 0;