Research interests: Designing statistical models that characterize the genomic landscape underlying complex traits from NGS and and single-cell technologies
The Jackson Laboratory: Gary Churchill's Lab
- Bar Harbor, ME
Preprocess bam file into a compressed alignment incidence matrix (equivalence class)
Annotation-free quantification of RNA splicing. Yang I. Li, David A. Knowles, Jack Humphrey, Alvaro N. Barbeira, Scott P. Dickinson, Hae Kyung Im, Jonathan K. Pritchard
kbroman / qtl2scan
Forked from rqtl/qtl2scanR/qtl2 module for QTL analysis, including genome scans
kbroman / qtl2geno
Forked from rqtl/qtl2genoR/qtl2 module for treatment of genotypes (imputation, probability calculation, map estimation)
A place to collect papers that are related to deep learning and computational biology