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Feb 26, 2025
Feb 26, 2025
Feb 26, 2025
Feb 26, 2025
Feb 26, 2025
Feb 26, 2025

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DynoPL is an open format for dynamic/smart playlists of songs.

Table of Contents


The goals are:

  • to be shareable between audio players
  • to be shareable between friends
  • to be human readable


type Playlist = {
    id: UUID;
    name?: string;
    description?: string;
    all?: Rule[];
    any?: Rule[];
    sort?: Field[] | Field | 'random';
    order?: 'asc' | 'desc';
    limit?: number;
    offset?: number;

export type FieldType = {
    // Track
    comment: string;
    discNumber: number;
    discSubtitle: string;
    discTotal: number;
    genre: string;
    language: string;
    subtitle: string;
    title: string;
    trackNumber: number;
    trackTotal: number;
    year: number;

    // Artist
    artist: string;
    artistCountry: string;
    composer: string;
    conductor: string;
    director: string;
    remixer: string;
    writer: string;

    // Album
    album: string;
    albumArtist: string;
    albumComment: string;
    albumType: string;
    compilation: boolean;
    contentGroup: string;
    country: string;

    // Publishing
    barcode: string;
    catalogNumber: string;
    isrc: string;
    label: string;
    publisher: string;

    // Content
    hasCoverArt: boolean;
    lyrics: string;
    movement: string;
    movementNumber: number;
    movementTotal: number;
    script: string;
    work: string;

    // Technical details
    bitrate: number;
    bpm: number;
    channels: number;
    duration: number;
    filePath: string;
    fileType: string;
    size: number;

    // Sorting fields
    sortAlbum: string;
    sortAlbumArtist: string;
    sortArtist: string;
    sortComposer: string;
    sortTitle: string;

    // User interaction
    dateAdded: string;
    dateLoved: string;
    dateModified: string;
    lastPlayed: string;
    loved: boolean;
    playCount: number;
    rating: number;
    tags: string;

type Field = keyof FieldType;

type Rule =
    | { all: Rule[] }
    | { any: Rule[] }
    | { is: { [K in Field]: FieldType[K] } & Weighted }
    | { isNot: { [K in Field]: FieldType[K] } & Weighted }
    | { gt: { [K in Field]: Extract<FieldType[K], number> } & Weighted }
    | { lt: { [K in Field]: Extract<FieldType[K], number> } & Weighted }
    | { gte: { [K in Field]: Extract<FieldType[K], number> } & Weighted }
    | { lte: { [K in Field]: Extract<FieldType[K], number> } & Weighted }
    | { contains: { [K in Field]: Extract<FieldType[K], string> } & Weighted }
    | { notContains: { [K in Field]: Extract<FieldType[K], string> } & Weighted }
    | { startsWith: { [K in Field]: Extract<FieldType[K], string> } & Weighted }
    | { endsWith: { [K in Field]: Extract<FieldType[K], string> } & Weighted }
    | { inTheRange: { [K in Field]: [Extract<FieldType[K], number>, Extract<FieldType[K], number>] } & Weighted }
    | { before: { [K in Field]: Extract<FieldType[K], string> } & Weighted }
    | { after: { [K in Field]: Extract<FieldType[K], string> } & Weighted }
    | { inTheLast: { [K in Field]: Extract<FieldType[K], number> } & Weighted }
    | { notInTheLast: { [K in Field]: Extract<FieldType[K], number> } & Weighted }
    | { inPlaylist: { id: UUID } & Weighted }
    | { notInPlaylist: { id: UUID } & Weighted };

type Weighted = {
    weight?: number;

A JSON Schema can be found at dynopl.schema.json


  1. The core type is Playlist which represents a dynamic/smart playlist with filtering rules and sorting options.

  2. The Field type represents all possible fields of a music track that can be used for filtering and sorting.

  3. The Rule type defines all possible filtering conditions that can be applied.


Example of a simple playlist that contains tracks with rating >= 4

    "id": "550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000",
    "name": "Highly Rated Songs",
    "description": "Songs with rating of 4 or higher",
    "all": [
            "gte": {
                "rating": 4
    "sort": "rating",
    "order": "desc"

Example of a more complex playlist: Recent favorite rock songs

    "id": "6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8",
    "name": "Recent Favorite Rock",
    "description": "Rock songs added in the last 30 days with high play count or high rating",
    "all": [
            "contains": {
                "genre": "rock"
            "inTheLast": {
                "dateAdded": 30
            "any": [
                    "gte": {
                        "playCount": 5,
                        "weight": 2 // this condition has double importance
                    "gte": {
                        "rating": 4
    "sort": [
    "order": "desc",
    "limit": 50

Example of a playlist excluding songs from another playlist

    "id": "7ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c9",
    "name": "Unique Jazz Collection",
    "description": "Jazz tracks not in my 'Jazz Favorites' playlist",
    "all": [
            "contains": {
                "genre": "jazz"
            "notInPlaylist": {
                "id": "8ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c0" // ID of "Jazz Favorites" playlist
    "sort": "random"

Key Points

  1. The Field type is an extensive union of all possible fields that can be used for filtering and sorting. It covers metadata (title, artist), technical details (bitrate, channels), and user interaction data (playCount, rating).

  2. Rules can be weighted using the weight property, allowing some conditions to have more importance than others in the filtering process.

  3. The sorting system is flexible:

    • Can sort by a single field or multiple fields
    • Can sort randomly using random
    • Can specify ascending or descending order
    • Can limit and offset results for pagination
  4. The type system ensures type safety for complex playlist rules while maintaining flexibility through union types and nested structures.

This type system is ideal for implementing a smart playlist feature, allowing for very sophisticated filtering and sorting of music libraries.

Detailed Explanation of Rule

The Playlist type supports several types of rule combinations:

  1. Using all - ALL rules must match (AND logic)
  2. Using any - ANY rule must match (OR logic)
  3. Can be nested for complex conditions

Simple equality check

    "is": {
        "genre": "rock",
        "compilation": false

Numeric comparisons

    "all": [
            "gt": { // Greater than
                "playCount": 10
            "lte": { // Less than or equal
                "rating": 5
            "inTheRange": {// Range check
                "year": [

Text matching

    "any": [
            "contains": {
                "title": "love"
            "startsWith": {
                "artist": "The"
            "endsWith": {
                "album": "Collection"

Date related rules

    "all": [
            "after": {
                "dateAdded": "2024-01-01"
            "inTheLast": {
                "lastPlayed": 30  // Last 30 days
            "notInTheLast": {
                "dateLoved": 7  // Not in the last week

File Extensions

Format Composed extensions Abbreviated extensions
JSON/JSONC .dynopl.json .jdp
YAML .dynopl.yaml, .dynopl.yml .ydp
TOML .dynopl.toml .tdp


This format has been heavily inspired by the smart playlist format found in Navidrome.


Copyright © 2025-present Baptiste Augrain

Licensed under the MIT license.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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