first you install mysql, following some of these directions: . ignore most of it. just do like brew update and brew upgrade and brew install and then (important!):
- mysql.server start
- mysql -uroot
- then, inside mysql: create database bookwarrior;
- now exit mysql with control-d.
- now, assuming everything's done, do this: mysql -u root -p bookwarrior < backup_libgen.sql
- hit enter when prompted for a password
- it should take minutes.
- you are ready to learn sql queryies!
- once you've mysql -uroot'd, don't forget to use bookwarrior;
- to check that it works, try select title from updated where md5 = '67BA5CC5A7118784770ED996B348C0FD';
- the result should be: Clojure Applied: From Practice to Practitioner
possibly-useful link:
You will need Leiningen 2.0 or above installed.
To start the db, run:
mysqld &
To start a web server for the application, run:
lein run
flux 0.7.0 still (october 15 2017) isn't in clojars, so you need to lein install
it manually like so: