A prompt theme based on the Powerline-inspired original agnoster theme and on the deprecated Powerlevel9k theme.
- Status segment:
- Exit code when there was an error.
when you're root.⚙
when there are background jobs.- Python venv indicator.
when in a ssh session.
- Working directory segment.
- Git segment (background color varies if working tree is clean or dirty):
- Current branch name, or commit short hash when in 'detached HEAD' state.
with respective count when there are commits ahead and/or behind of remote.⍟
with count when there are stashed states.✚
when there are staged files.●
when there are modified files.- Git action, when there's an operation in progress.
You can customize how the current working directory is shown with the prompt-pwd module settings.
The git indicators can be customized by changing the following git-info module context formats:
Context name | Description | Default format |
branch | Branch name | %b |
commit | Commit short hash | ➦ %c |
ahead | Commits ahead of remote count | ↑%A |
behind | Commits behind remote count | ↓%B |
stashed | Stashed states count | ⍟%S |
indexed | Indexed files | ✚ |
unindexed | Unindexed files | ● |
action | Special action name | %s |
clean | Clean state | green |
dirty | Dirty state | yellow |
Use the following command to override a git-info context format:
zstyle ':zim:git-info:<context_name>' format '<new_format>'
For detailed information about these and other git-info settings, check the git-info documentation.
These advanced settings must be overridden after the theme is initialized.
In order for this theme to render correctly, a font with Powerline symbols is required. A simple way to install a font with Powerline symbols is to follow the instructions here. In addition, it looks better with the Solarized theme.
Requires zimfw's prompt-pwd module to show the current working directory, and git-info to show git information.