Kalkun is open source web-based SMS (Short Message Service) management, it use gammu-smsd (part of gammu family) as SMS gateway engine to deliver and retrieve messages from your phone/modem.
Homepage : http://kalkun.sourceforge.net - Documentation : http://github.com/back2arie/Kalkun/wiki/
You need to install and configure this first:
- apache 2.x.x
- PHP 5.x.x (with mysql/pgsql/pdo_sqlite, session, hash, json, mbstring extension)
- MySQL 5.x.x or PostgreSQL or SQLite3
or you can just install xampp (http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html)
- gammu-smsd, make sure it is already running and configured
- Extract to web root folder (eq: /var/www/html => Ubuntu)
- Create database named kalkun (you can do it with mysql console or phpMyAdmin)
- using mysql console
# mysql > CREATE DATABASE kalkun; # mysql > quit
- using phpMyAdmin
Edit database config (application/config/database.php) Change database value to 'kalkun', username and password is depend on your mysql configuration
Import gammu database schema (it's included on gammu source, eg. gammu/docs/sql/mysql.sql)
- using mysql console
# mysql kalkun - u username -p < gammu/docs/sql/mysql.sql
- using phpMyAdmin
- Configure daemon (to manage inbox and autoreply)
- Set path on gammu-smsd configuration at runonreceive directive, e.g:
[smsd] runonreceive = /opt/lampp/htdocs/kalkun/scripts/daemon.sh
or, if you using Windows:[smsd] runonreceive = C:\xampp\htdocs\kalkun\scripts\daemon.bat
- set correct path (php-cli path and daemon.php path) on daemon.sh or daemon.bat
- make sure that the daemon script is executable
- Change URI path in daemon.php, default is (http://localhost/kalkun)
- Graphic Install Launch http://your-location/kalkun/index.php/install, and follow instruction there, or
- Manual Install (import sql file media/db/mysql_kalkun.sql to kalkun database)
- using mysql console
# mysql kalkun - u username -p < media/db/mysql_kalkun.sql
- using phpMyAdmin
- After install finished, you need to remove install folder.
- To improve security, it's higly recommended to change "encryption_key" on application/config/config.php
Open up your browser and go to http://your-location/kalkun Default account : username = kalkun, password = kalkun (you can change it after you login)