Drupal 10 Drupal build for Yukon.ca. This repository was prepared so it's sources can be built via CI to deploy to Pantheon.
For local environment setup, please check detailed instructions here.
Layout Builder: The current standard choice for components implementation is Layout Builder, so Paragraphs should normally map to Block types, exceptions apart.
: list components from Audit
: Document SSO solution here.
Every new development should be pushed to a development branch. The advice is to keep the names short: due to Pantheon's limitation, multidev cannot use longer branch names, so in case we want to use it, we should avoid the long names.
Upon pushing to a branch, you can create a Pull Request for EW to review. Branches are pushed to Pantheon so you can also spin a Multidev environment to demonstrate before merging.
- Git Repo -
Add git repo URL here. - Cloud subscription -
Add URL here. - Dev site -
Add dev site URL here. - Stage site -
Add stage site URL here. - Prod site -
Add prod site URL here.
The first step of upgrading the Druapl 7 vesrion to Drupal 10 is setting up a blank Drupal 10 website by using the following steps:
- Setup a web server
- Copy the file system from the master branch
- Run composer install
- Create database and assign user
- Enter the database credentails in the sites/default/settings.php file
Automatically generated include for settings managed by ddev.
$ddev_settings = dirname(__FILE__) . '/settings.ddev.php';
if (getenv('IS_DDEV_PROJECT') == 'true' && is_readable($ddev_settings)) {
require $ddev_settings;
Hit the website URL to complete the installation process
Please note that while setting up the website, we need to select "minimal" profile. Selecting other profiles will generate issues.
Go to the terminal >> public_html and run this command to get the UUID (copy the UUID)
./vendor/bin/drush cget "system.site" uuid
Once UUID is copied, go to config/default/system.site.yml and the replace the existing with the copied one.
Go to the terminal >> public_html and run this command (select yes on prompt). Ignore the first error and run it again. After it gets completed, run it for the 3rd/4th time until only two files are left for the update.
./vendor/bin/drush cim
Clear cache >>
./vendor/bin/drush cr
Theme setup. Go to the terminal >>
cd public_html/docroot/themes/custom/yukonca_glider/
Assuming that the correct node version is already installed run >>
npm run build
Go to the terminal >> public_html and clear cache >>
./vendor/bin/drush cr
Import French translations by hitting /admin/config/regional/translate/import. On this admim interface, select the fr.po file, select "French" in the dropdown, check the three boxes and click upload.
Clear cache
/docroot/themes/custom/yukonca_glider/patterns/organisms/footer/scss/styles.scss Line 6 >> remove /docroot
/docroot/themes/custom/yukonca_glider/src/js/custom.js Line 18 >> remove /docroot
Node Installation followed by theme setup:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.1/install.sh | bash nvm --version nvm install 16 nvm install 18
Theme setup nvm use v16.16.0 npm install nvm use v18 npm run build
- Local
drush locale-export fr --type=customized > config/translations/fr.customized.po
- Pantheon
drush locale-export fr --type=customized > /code/config/translations/fr.customized.po
- Local
drush locale-import fr --type=customized /var/www/html/config/translations/fr.customized.po
- Pantheon
drush locale-import fr --type=customized /code/config/translations/fr.customized.po
- Local
drush locale-import fr --type=customized --override=customized /var/www/html/config/translations/fr.customized.po
- Pantheon
drush locale-import fr --type=customized --override=customized /code/config/translations/fr.customized.po