Make a random Go value human readable. The output format uses valid golang syntax, so you don't have to learn any new knowledge to understand the output.
- Uses valid golang syntax to print the data
- Make rune, []byte, time, etc. data human readable
- Color output with customizable theme
- Stable map output with sorted by keys
- Auto split multiline large string block
- Prints the path of circular reference
- Auto format inline json string
- Low-level API to extend the lib
Usually, you only need to use gop.P
package main
import (
func main() {
val := map[string]interface{}{
"bool": true,
"number": 1 + 1i,
"bytes": []byte{97, 98, 99},
"lines": "multiline string\nline two",
"slice": []interface{}{1, 2},
"time": time.Now(),
"chan": make(chan int, 1),
"struct": struct{ test int32 }{
test: 13,
"json": `{"a" : 1}`,
"func": func(int) int { return 0 },
val["slice"].([]interface{})[1] = val["slice"]
_ = gop.P(val)
The output will be something like:
// 2023-10-07T18:19:57.517309+08:00 example/main.go:27 (main.main)
map[string]interface {}{
"bool": true,
"bytes": []byte("abc"),
"chan": make(chan int, 1)/* 0x1400008c070 */,
"func": (func(int) int)(nil)/* 0x1025a5460 */,
"json": gop.JSONStr(map[string]interface {}{
"a": 1.0,
}, `{"a" : 1}`),
"lines": `multiline string
line two`,
"number": 1+1i,
"slice": []interface {}{
gop.Circular("slice").([]interface {}),
"struct": struct { test int32 }{
test: int32(13),
"time": gop.Time("2023-10-07T18:19:57.516984+08:00", 3081584),