A Python command line and Ansible Action plugin framework that loves meta programming: do less and get more out of it, perfect for many kinds of DevOps gigs to automate everything.
Batteries included, all of which are useful on their own:
- beautiful CLI alternative to click, but much less verbose, allowing more creative design patterns without any boilerplate thanks to introspection
- which comes with a Sphinx extension to extensively document your CLIs
- magic 12-factor configuration library
- extremely beautiful structlog configuration for colorful and readable logging
- httpx client wrapper that handles all kind of retries, data masking...
- magic ORM for HTTP resources based on that client
- Ansible Action plugin library with all the beautiful logging and a rich testing library so that you can go straight to the point in pytest
- a good old fcntl based locking
- a command line to run any python function over a beautiful CLI