An easy way to generate Elm type aliases with decoder functions from a Go struct.
When I want to build a web application, my first thing is to build a very basic Go project, and then add an Elm project to create the UI. When I change the model on the Go side, I have to update the Elm side as well, but why would I do it manually if I can simply generate them. So that's the simple explanation why this library exists.
package main
import (
type MyData struct {
Name string `elm:"name"`
Value int64 `elm:"value"`
Flag bool `elm:"flag,optional=True"`
DataSet []int64 `elm:"dataSet"`
Sub SubData `elm:"sub"`
SubList []SubData `elm:"subs"`
type SubData struct {
Name string `elm:"name"`
func main() {
output := gelm.Generate("Models.Fancy", MyData{}, SubData{})
fmt.Printf("%s", output)
And the output will be:
-- This file was generated with
-- Do not edit this file unless you know what you are doing.
module Models.Fancy exposing (..)
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Json.Decode.Pipeline as Dp
type alias MyData =
{ name : String
, value : Int
, flag : Bool
, dataSet : List Int
, sub : SubData
, subs : List SubData
type alias SubData =
{ name : String
decodeMyData : Decode.Decoder MyData
decodeMyData =
Decode.succeed MyData
|> Dp.required "Name" Decode.string
|> Dp.required "Value"
|> Dp.optional "Flag" Decode.bool True
|> Dp.required "DataSet" (Decode.list
|> Dp.required "Sub" (Decode.lazy (\_ -> decodeSubData))
|> Dp.required "SubList" (Decode.list (Decode.lazy (\_ -> decodeSubData)))
decodeSubData : Decode.Decoder SubData
decodeSubData =
Decode.succeed SubData
|> Dp.required "Name" Decode.string