Something I hope you know before go into the coding~
First, please watch or star this repo, I'll be more happy if you follow me.
Bug report, questions and discussion are welcome, you can post an issue or pull a request.
Koji is an RPM-based build system. The Fedora Project uses Koji for their build system, as do several other projects.
Koji's goal is to provide a flexible, secure, and reproducible way to build software.
- New buildroot for each build
- Robust XML-RPC APIs for easy integration with other tools
- Web interface with SSL and Kerberos authentication
- Thin, portable command line client
- Users can create local buildroots
- Buildroot contents are tracked in the database
- Versioned data
- 官方源码:
- 官方文档:
- Fedora官方koji站点:
- CentOS官方koji站点:
- RockyLinux官方koji站点:
- koji介绍
- koji站点汇总
- koji部署
- koji容器化
- koji核心概念
- 相关技术
- koji源码分析
- koji-hub httpd如何运行koji-hub
- koji-hub 入口程序application
- koji-hub curl发送调试请求
- koji-hub 获取路由列表
- koji-hub 连接PostgreSQL
- koji-hub SQL表拆解
- kojid builder入口解析
- kojid builder如何与koji-hub交互
- kojid smtp发送邮件
- kojid 编译git仓库
- koji-cli koji如何通过krb5鉴权
- koji-cli 身份认证
- koji-cli watch-task使用及解析
- kojid mock中使用systemd-nspawn
- kojid 跳过rpm check阶段
- koji-hub task执行后notifications使用及解析
- koji-web 如何给koji web换个皮肤
- koji-cli addpkg奔溃
- koji-web 修改默认显示全部task
- koji-cli 获取target的mock配置
- koji使用
- 公开课
- 打开本菜鸡Github首页,,
- 微信/钉钉 加好友,互怼唠嗑扯犊子...有什么问题,需求, whatever~~