wik is a tool to view wikipedia pages from your terminal. It also let you search for any wikipedia up to date article on one query from your terminal.
[Installation] [Options] [Examples] [Contribution]
- Python3
- beautifulsoup4
sudo pip3 install beautifulsoup4 flit_core
git clone https://github.com/yashsinghcodes/wik.git
cd wik
sudo pip3 install .
sudo pip3 install wik
pip install beautifulsoup4 flit_core
git clone https://github.com/yashsinghcodes/wik.git
cd wik
pip install .
Note: Windows users should have added python to there environment variable
pip install wik
Using wik is acutally really simple.
usage: wik [-h] [-s SEARCH] [-i INFO] [-q QUICK] [-l LANG] [-x]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SEARCH, --search SEARCH
Search any topic
-i INFO, --info INFO Get info on any topic
-q QUICK, --quick QUICK
Get the summary on any topic
-l LANG, --lang LANG Get info in your native language (default english)
-x, --rand Get random Wikipedia article
$ wik -i Linux
$ wik -q Linux
$ wik -i Linux -l br
You can contribute to the project by opening a issue if you face any or making a pull requests, if you think you can fix somthing or make improvment on the code. If you have some ideas related to the project you can contact me.