XiPKI (eXtensible sImple Public Key Infrastructure) is a highly scalable and high-performance open source PKI (CA and OCSP responder).
- The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Just create new issue.
For bug-report please upload the test data and log files, describe the version of XiPKI, OS and JRE/JDK, and the steps to reproduce the bug.
The binary xipki-setup-<version>.zip
can be retrieved using one of the following methods
- Download the binary from https://github.com/xipki/xipki/releases
- Download the binary from the maven repositories
- Directly via HTTP download
- Via the
<artifactItem> <groupId>org.xipki.assembly</groupId> <artifactId>xipki-setup</artifactId> <version>..version..</version> <type>zip</type> </artifactItem>
- Build it from source code
Get a copy of project code, e.g.
git clone https://github.com/xipki/xipki
Build the project
In folder
Then you will find the binary
Unpack xipki-setup-<version>.zip
and follow the xipki-setup-<version>/INSTALL.md
- OS
- Linux, Windows, MacOS
- Java 11+.
- Database
- DB2, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, H2, HSQLDB
- Hardware
- Any available hardware (tested on Raspberry Pi 2 Model B with 900MHz quad-core ARM CPU and 1 GB Memory)
- Servlet Container
- Tomcat 8, 9, 10, 11
- HSM Devices
- AWS CloudHSM
- Nitrokey HSM 2 / Smartcard HSM EA+
- nCipher Connect / Solo
- Sansec HSM
- Softhsm v1 & v2
- Thales LUNA / ProtectServer
- Utimaco Se
- And shall also work on other HSMs with PKCS#11 support.
- EST (RFC 7030)
- SCEP (RFC 8894)
- CMP (RFC 4210, 4211, 9045, 9480)
- ACME (RFC 8555, RFC 8737)
- Challenge types: dns-01, http-01, tls-apln-01
- RESTful API (XiPKI own API)
- X.509 Certificate v3 (RFC 5280)
- X.509 CRL v2 (RFC 5280)
- EdDSA Certificates (RFC 8410, RFC 8032)
- SHAKE Certificates (RFC 8692)
- Diffie-Hellman Proof-of-Possession Algorithms (RFC 6955)
- EN 319 411 and 319 412 (eIDAS)
- Direct and indirect CRL
- FullCRL and DeltaCRL
- API to specify customized certificate profiles
- Support of JSON-based certificate profile
- API to specify customized publisher, e.g. for LDAP and OCSP responder
- Support of publisher for OCSP responder
- Public key types of certificates: RSA, EC, DSA, Ed25519, Ed448, SM2, X25519, X448
- Signature algorithms of certificates
- DSA with hash algorithms: SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3
- ECDSA with hash algorithms: SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3, and SHAKE
- Ed25519, Ed448
- Plain ECDSA with hash algorithms: SHA-1, and SHA-2
- RSA PKCS1v1.5 with hash algorithms: SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3
- RSA PSS with hash algorithms: SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3, and SHAKE
- SM3withSM2
- Native support of X.509 extensions (other extensions can be supported by configuring it as blob)
- RFC 3739
- BiometricInfo
- QCStatements (also in eIDAS standard EN 319 412)
- SubjectDirectoryAttributes
- RFC 4262
- SMIMECapabilities
- RFC 5280
- AuthorityInformationAccess, AuthorityKeyIdentifier
- BasicConstraints
- CertificatePolicies, CRLDistributionPoints
- ExtendedKeyUsage
- FreshestCRL
- InhibitAnyPolicy, IssuerAltName
- KeyUsage
- NameConstraints
- PolicyConstrains, PolicyMappings, PrivateKeyUsagePeriod
- SubjectAltName, SubjectInfoAccess, SubjectKeyIdentifier
- RFC 6960
- OcspNoCheck
- RFC 6962
- CT Precertificate SCTs
- RfC 7633
- TLSFeature
- Car Connectivity Consortium
- ExtensionSchema
- Common PKI (German national standard)
- AdditionalInformation, Admission
- Restriction
- ValidityModel
- GM/T 0015-2012 (Chinese national standard)
- ICRegistrationNumber, IdentityCode, InsuranceNumber
- OrganizationCode
- TaxationNumber
- RFC 3739
- Management of multiple CAs in one software instance
- Support of database cluster
- Multiple software instances (all can be in active mode) for the same CA
- Native support of management of CA via embedded OSGi commands
- API to manage CA. This allows one to implement proprietary CLI, e.g. Website, to manage CA.
- Database tool (export and import CA database) simplifies the switch of databases, upgrade of XiPKi and switch from other CA system to XiPKI CA
- All configuration of CA except those of databases is saved in database
- OCSP Responder (RFC 2560 and RFC 6960)
- Configurable Length of Nonce (RFC 8954)
- Support of Common PKI 2.0
- Management of multiple certificate status sources
- Support of certificate status sources
- Database of XiPKI CA
- OCSP database published by XiPKI CA
- CRL and DeltaCRL
- Database of EJBCA
- API to support proprietary certificate sources
- Support of both unsigned and signed OCSP requests
- Multiple software instances (all can be in active mode) for the same OCSP signer and certificate status sources.
- Database tool (export and import OCSP database) simplifies the switch of databases, upgrade of XiPKi and switch from other OCSP system to XiPKI OCSP.
- High performance
- Support of health check
- Configuring CA
- Generating keypairs of RSA, EC and DSA in token
- Deleting keypairs and certificates from token
- Updating certificates in token
- Generating CSR (PKCS#10 request)
- Exporting certificate from token
- Client to enroll, revoke, and unrevoke (unsuspend) certificates, to download CRLs
- Client to send OCSP request
- Updating certificates in token
- Generating CSR (PKCS#10 request)
- Exporting certificate from token
- Provide the access to the HSM remotely.