A collection of super tiny minifiers more efficient than most of the other online minifiers
<textarea oninput='value=value.replace(/(\/\*[^]+?\*\/|\s)+/g," ").replace(/^ |([ ;]*)([^\w:*.#% -])([ ;]*)|\*?(:) */g,"$2$4")'>
Test file: https://github.com/xem/miniMinifier/blob/gh-pages/test.css
- Instant output
- Doesn't alter your CSS rules and selectors
- Removes all CSS comments
- Removes all unnecessary spaces, tabs and line breaks
- Removes all unnecessary semicolons
- Removes all unnecessary
in CSS selectors (ex:*:before { ... }
) - Warning: strings can be altered (ex:
content: "..."
) - Warning: doesn't remove spaces before ":" in CSS rules (ex:
color :red
- Bootstrap 3.3.7: commented: 142.58kb - minified: 118.35kb - csscompressor.com: 120.66kb - miniMinifier: 117.93kb
- Normalize 5.0.0: commented: 8.31kb - csscompressor.com: 2332b - miniMinifier: 2331b
- Our test file: commented: 1529b - csscompressor.com: 503b - miniMinifier: 495b
<textarea oninput='value=value.replace(/(<!--[^]+?->|\s)+/g," ").replace(/ (?=<|$)|<\/[tl].>|<.p> *(<[p/])| ?\/?(>)/gi,"$1$2")'>
Test file: https://github.com/xem/miniMinifier/blob/gh-pages/test.html
- Removes all HTML comments
- Removes all unnecessary spaces, tabs and line breaks
- Removes trailing spaces and slashes in tags (ex:
<br />
) - Removes unnecessary closing tags (
sometimes) - Warning: strings can be altered (ex:
<body onload="...">
- Our test file: commented: 710b - willpeavy.com: 399b - kangax: 273b - miniMinifier: 273b
- remove charset rule
- remove comments
- keep strings and urls unaltered
- remove spaces,tabs,line breaks around ~ ; , ( ) { } / @ ! < > =
- remove spaces around : in at-rules
- remove spaces before * and : in selectors, if possible
- remove spaces around + and - in selectors
- Remove all unnecessary * in selectors
- remove spaces around * and : in rules
- Remove spaces before hex colors
- Remove spaces between ":" and "rgb()"
- Remove all unnecessary semicolons
- Remove "+" and leading zeroes in numbers
- Remove ".0" in decimal numbers
- Remove "0." in decimal numbers
- Remove trailing zeroes in decimal numbers
- Remove "-" before zero
- Remove units after zero except %
- Remove % after zero, except in parenthesis and keyframes stops
- Remove "+", "-" and "." in "-.0", "+.0" and ".0"
- Convert rgba(0,0,0,0) in transparent
- Convert opaque rgba colors in rgb (ex: rgba(255, 0, 0, 1) => rgb(255, 0, 0))
- Convert rgb colors in hex (ex: rgb(255, 0, 0) => #FF0000)
- Minify 6-digit hex colors to 3-digit hex colors if possible (ex: #FF0000 => #F00)
- Replace hex colors with shorter names (ex: #F00 => red)
- Remove empty rules and empty media queries
- Replace font-weight values with numbers
- Simplify nth-of-type, nth-child, even, odd
- Rename ":root" in "html"
- Compress margin/padding/border-width/border-radius shorthands
- Convert some units (angles, times, sizes)
- Remove quotes around identifiers in font / font-family / etc (but not in content!)
- Remove "https?:" and quotes in urls
- Avoid repeating identical css properties in a rule
- Lowercase everything but strings, urls and case-insensitive attr selectors (gzip optimization)
- Remove repeated properties
- Remove repeated selectors
- Remove repeated rules
- Don't close the last containers in the file
- Demo : http://xem.github.io/miniMinifier/css/index.html
- Advanced test file (minified in the demo): https://github.com/xem/miniMinifier/blob/gh-pages/css/test.css