C Memory Lib
$ git clone https://github.com/Arkturius/cmem
$ cd cmem
# Use as static library : compile with libcmem.a
$ make
$ clang -o [your_project] [your_project.c] cmem/libcmem.a -I cmem/include
# Use as dynamic library : compile with linker flags
$ make so
$ clang -o [your_project] [your_project.c] -lcmem -L cmem
You just have to include cmem.h
. Since i'm a 42 student, the whole project is in accordance with The Norm.
This said, i tried to approach an STB-style (header-only) library except for the header-only part.
You'll have to #define
to respectively use any of the features.
You can also use #define CM_INCLUDE_ALL
to get the 3 structures implementations at once.
Those are the typedefs available to work with. They are opaque pointers and are not meant to be de-referenced...
typedef void t_cm_chunk;
typedef struct s_cm_iter t_cm_iterator;
typedef void t_cm_arena;
typedef void t_cm_htable;
BUT if you want to do so, you can cast like this to access struct members
struct s_cm_chunk;
struct s_cm_arena;
struct s_cm_htable
// Example of struct cast
t_cm_chunk *chunk;
chunk = cm_chunk_init(16);
struct s_cm_chunk *object;
object = (struct s_cm_chunk *)chunk;
// Print chunk capacity
printf("Chunk capacity = %zu\n", object->capacity);
- Simple Constructor and Destructor.
- Memory-aligned push, pop and alloc.
- Linkage of new chunk for more space.
- Free list for memory reusage.
Init a chunk of floats and fill it with multiples of PI
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cmem.h>
int main(void)
t_cm_chunk *floats;
float tmp;
size_t i;
// Init the chunk
floats = cm_chunk_init(sizeof(float));
i = 0;
// While the chunk isn't full
while (i < cm_chunk_max(floats))
// Compute PI * i
tmp = 3.14 * i;
// Push this value into the chunk
ft_chunk_push(floats, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
// Destroy the chunk
cm_chunk_clear(floats, CM_CHUNK_FREE);
- Simple Constructor and Destructor.
- Memory-Aligned push, pop and alloc.
- Free list for memory reusage.
- (TODO) Repair iterators.
#include <cmem.h>
int main(void)
t_cm_arena *strings;
// Init the arena
strings = cm_arena_init();
// Destroy the arena
cm_arena_clear(strings, CM_ARENA_FREE);
- Simple Constructor and Destructor.
- Ability to store any kind of data.
-> (void *data)
- Djb2 hash function.
- (TODO) Collision management.
#include <cmem.h>
int main(void)
t_cm_htable *books;
// Init hash table to store pointers
books = cm_htable_init(32, sizeof(void *));
// Destroy the hash table
cm_htable_clear(books, CM_HTABLE_FREE);
- Windows BMP parser. (8 and 24 bpp for now)
- (TODO) PNG Parsing. (zlib or not zlib that's the question...)
#include <cmem.h>
int main(void)
// Variable to store pixel info;
uint32_t *img;
img = NULL;
// Allocate memory for pixels at the adress passed
cm_bmp("test_img_load.bmp", &img, CM_OPEN_LOAD);
// Assuming img holds a single-dimension pixel array
img = ...
// Save the pixel array as a new bmp image. (24 bpp save only for now)
cm_bmp("test_img_save.bmp", &img, CM_OPEN_SAVE | IMG_WIDTH << 16 | IMG_HEIGHT);
// ^ ^
// Please make me change this... (pass a 2 short struct for example)