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OP - A Collection of Go Utility Packages

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op is a Go utility toolkit that provides a variety of reusable packages for common programming tasks. Each package is designed to be lightweight, efficient, and easy to integrate into your projects. This repository serves as a centralized entry point for all sub-packages.


The toolkit includes the following packages:


A generic double-ended queue (deque) implementation.


A generic event emitter for pub/sub patterns.

  • Features: Event subscription, once listeners, async/sync emission, panic recovery.
  • Constraints: Event type must be comparable.
  • Usage: See emission/


A LINQ-style query library for Go slices.

  • Features: Filtering, mapping, sorting, grouping, and more.
  • Usage: See linq/ (if exists).


Tools for managing external processes.

  • Features: Process execution, stdout/stderr handling, process management.
  • Files:
    • process.go: Core process handling.
    • process_m.go: Process manager for multiple processes.
  • Usage: See process/ or process/


A generic slice wrapper with utility methods.


A string wrapper with common operations.

  • Features: Contains, split, replace, case conversion, etc.
  • Usage: See str/ (if exists).


A worker pool for concurrent task execution.

generator (Incomplete)

A generator package


To use the op toolkit in your Go project, run:

go get

Then import the desired packages:

import ""

Usage Example

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Create a string
	s := op.NewString("Hello, World")
	fmt.Println(s.Contain("World")) // true

	// Create a slice
	sl := op.NewSlice(1, 2, 3)
	fmt.Println(sl.Data()) // [1 2 3]

	// Create an event emitter
	em := op.NewEmitter[string]()
	em.On("event", func(args ...string) {
		fmt.Println("Event:", args)
	em.Emit("event", "test") // Event: [test]

Directory Structure

├── deque/              # Double-ended queue
├── emission/           # Event emitter
├── linq/               # LINQ-style queries (multiple instances)
├── process/            # Process management (multiple instances)
├── slice/              # Slice utilities (multiple instances)
├── str/                # String utilities
├── workerpool/         # Worker pool
└── op.go               # Toolkit entry point