st is a simple terminal emulator for X.
This is my own custom build of st. Below are patches that I added into my st build.
- alpha: Allow transparency; (Latest ver: 0.8.5)
- anysize: Balance borders and centered terminal content correctly; (Lastest ver: 0.8.4)
- bold is not bright: Display bold fonts as bold rather than making it brighter color; (Latest ver: 20190127)
- boxdraw: Better rendering for lines / blocks / braille characters; (Latest ver: 0.8.5)
- externalpipe: Read and write st output through pipe; (Latest ver: 0.8.4)
- font2: For adding fallback fonts; (Latest ver: 0.8.5)
- scrollback: Scroll back through previous terminal output; (Latest ver: 0.8.5)
- vertcenter: Vertically center lines; (Latest ver: 20231003)
- glyph wide support: Fix unicode being chopped, mostly for nerd font symbols; (Latest ver: 20220411)
$ git clone
$ cd st
$ sudo make clean install