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Fizz is a simple interpretted programming language meant for embedding in Zig.
{: .warning}
Requires Zig 0.13.0
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Fizz is not yet in a stable state. If you have a use case that you would like handled, file an 🪲 issue.
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- Download Fizz and place it in
.zig fetch --save
- Add Fizz as a dependency in
.const fizz = b.dependency("fizz", .{.target = target, .optimize = optimize}); ... // Use it for our executable or library. exe.root_module.addImport("fizz", fizz.module("fizz"));
- Create the Fizz virtual machine.
const fizz = @import("fizz"); ... var vm = try fizz.Vm.init(allocator); defer vm.deinit(); errdefer std.debug.print("Fizz VM failed:\n{any}\n", .{vm.env.errors});
- Evaluate expressions in the VM.
try vm.evalStr(void, allocator, "(define my-list (list 1 2 3 4))"); const sum = vm.evalStr(i64, allocator, "(apply + my-list)"); std.debug.print("Sum was: {d}\n", .{sum});
- Call custom Zig functions.
fn quack(vm: *fizz.Vm, _: []const fizz.Val) fizz.NativeFnError!fizz.Val { return vm.env.memory_manager.allocateStringVal("quack!") catch return fizz.NativnFnError.RuntimeError; } ... try vm.registerGlobalFn("quack!", quack); const text = try vm.evalStr([]u8, allocator, "(quack!)"); defer;
It should be easy to get started writing Fizz. Fizz supports the following:
- Simple Syntax - All expressions are of the form
(<function> <operands>...)
>> (define pi 3.14) >> (* 2 pi) ;; 6.28 >> (define (plus a b) (+ a b)) >> (plus 2 2) ;; 4 >> (if (< 1 2) "red" "blue") ;; "red"
- Common datatypes like ints, floats, strings, structs, and lists.
>> true >> 1 >> 1.2 >> "hello world" >> (list 1 2 3 4) >> (struct 'field "yes" 'the-list (list 1 2 3 4))
Fizz is built in Zig and meant to easily integrate into a Zig codebase.