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dp3: multimodal log database

dp3 is an experimental database for management of multimodal log data, such as logs produced by sensors and internal processing logic on robots.

It is under active development and not suitable for production use. For details on the motivation and architecture see the paper.

There is a basic web application backed by dp3 at



  • Go 1.22

The following instructions will start dp3 with a data directory on local disk.

  1. Build the dp3 binary.
    make build
  1. Start the server.
    mkdir data
    ./dp3 server --data-dir data
  1. Start the interpreter and type help to get started.
$ ./dp3 client

__        _      _____ 
\ \    __| |_ __|___ / 
 \ \  / _` | '_ \ |_ \ 
 / / | (_| | |_) |__) |
/_/   \__,_| .__/____/ 
Type "help" for help.

dp3:[default] # help
The dp3 client is an interactive interpreter for dp3.  dp3 is a
multimodal log database for low-latency playback and analytics.

The client supports interaction via either queries or dot commands. The
supported dot commands are:
  .h [topic] to print help text. If topic is blank, prints this text.
  .connect [database] to connect to a database
  .statrange to run a statrange query
  .import to import data to the database
  .delete to delete data from the database
  .truncate to truncate data from the database
  .tables to inspect tables available in the database

Available help topics are:
  query: Show examples of query syntax.
  statrange: Explain the .statrange command.
  import: Explain the .import command.
  delete: Explain the .delete command.
  truncate: Explain the .truncate command.
  tables: Explain the .tables command.

Any input aside from "help" that does not start with a dot is interpreted as
a query. Queries are terminated with a semicolon.
dp3:[default] #
dp3:[default] # .import my-robot example-data/fix.mcap
dp3:[default] #
dp3:[default] # from my-robot /fix limit 1;


Multimodal log data may be characterized by,

  • High frequencies
  • Large volumes
  • Highly variable message sizes and schemas (images, pointclouds, text logs, numeric measurements, compressed video, ...)
  • Various different message encodings (protobuf, ros1msg, cdr, flatbuffers, ...)
  • Timeseries orientation

Common workloads on the data are,

  • Stream data in time order at a point in time, for a particular device or simulation, on a selection of "topics", into some sort of visualization application such as webviz or Foxglove Studio, or export to a local file and view with rviz or otherwise locally analyze. The selection of topics in this kind of query can be wide - frequently in the dozens or hundreds, and infrequently in the thousands depending on the architecture of the producer.
  • Execute "as-of join"-style temporal queries across different topics to identify scenes of interest. For example: "Show me the last 100 instances when the car was turning left in the rain with more than 10 pedestrians in the intersection".
  • Run heavy computational workloads on a "narrow" selection of topics. For instance, run distributed Spark jobs over hundreds of terabytes of images. This workload may care less or not at all about ordering, but cares a lot about throughput, and that the available throughput, availability, and cost scalability effectively matches that of the underlying storage and networking, either on-premise or in the cloud.
  • Summarize individual message field values at multiple granularities, at low-enough latencies to drive responsive web applications. Consider for instance the plotting facilities available in datadog or cloud monitoring systems like Cloudwatch or GCP stackdriver, which can (sometimes) plot multigranular statistical aggregates spanning many weeks or years and trillions of points in under a second.

dp3 attempts to address all three of these in a single easy-to-administer solution.


The architecture of dp3 is inspired by btrdb. It differs in that it supports multimodal data and multiplexed playback, and in drawing a slightly different contract with its consumers -- one based on "topics" and "producer IDs" rather than "stream IDs".

In large deployments, dp3 is envisioned as a component within a greater domain-specific data infrastructure. However, in smaller deployments the hope of dp3 is that incorporation of topics and producers in the core data model will enable orgs to make use of dp3 "right off the bat" without secondary indicies.


  • Producer ID: a unique identifier assigned by the user to the producer of some data. For instance, a device identifier or a simulation run ID.
  • Topic: a string identifying a logical channel in the customer's data stream. For instance, "/images" or "/imu". See for more information on how topics relate to robot architecture.
  • MCAP: a heterogeneously-schematized binary log container format. See

Multigranular summarization

dp3's underlying storage is a time-partitioned tree spanning a range of time from the epoch to a future date. The typical height of the tree is 5 but it can vary based on parameter selection. Data is stored in the leaf nodes, and the inner nodes contain pointers to children as well as statistical summaries of children. Data consists of nanosecond-timestamped messages.

In the service, nodes are cached on read in an LRU cache of configurable byte capacity. In production deployments, this cache will be sized such that most important inner nodes will fit within it at all times. Multigranular summarization requires traversing the tree down to a sufficiently granular height, and then scanning the statistical summaries at that height for the requested range of time. If the cache is performing well this operation can be done in RAM.

Low-latency playback

Input files are associated with a producer ID by the user. During ingestion they are split by topic and messages are routed to a tree associated with that topic and the producer ID. Merged playback on a selection of topics requires doing simultaneous scans of one tree per topic, feeding into a streaming merge.

Read scalability for ML jobs

The query execution logic of dp3 can be coded in fat client libraries in other languages like python or scala. Large heavy read jobs can use one of these clients to execute their business. The ML cluster simply needs to query for the current root location, which can be done once and then passed to the job.

With the dp3 server out of the way, all the heavy reading goes straight to S3 and can scale accordingly. This mode of operation does come with some compromises - clients are accessing data directly which complicates your ACL management - but these complexities may be preferable to running an expensive and dynamically scaling service that, for many of these workloads, might as well be doing S3 passthrough.


Data in the leaf nodes is stored in MCAP format. Initial focus is on ros1msg-serialized messages, but this should be extensible to other formats in use. The format of the playback datastream is also MCAP.

Users who are already producing MCAP files, such as ROS 2 users, will have automatic compatibility between dp3 and all of their internal data tooling. The message bytes logged by the device are exactly the ones stored in the database.

Users of ROS 1 bag files can try dp3 by converting their bags to mcap with the mcap CLI tool.


We use golangci-lint for linting. To install it it follow the directions here:

Run the tests

To run the tests:

    make test

To run the linter:

    make lint

Build the binary

    make build

Profiling the server

Profiles can be generated with the pprof webserver on port 6060. For example,

  • Heap snapshot
    go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/heap
  • CPU profile
    go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/profile?seconds=30
  • Goroutine blocking
    go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/block
  • Mutex contention
    go tool pprof http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/mutex
  • Function tracing
    curl -o trace.out http://localhost:6060/debug/pprof/trace?seconds=5
    go tool trace trace.out

See for additional information about pprof.