- js.cool
- log.lu
- sh.gg
- css.fund (感谢 面条 赞助)
- kaiyuan.fund
- v0.chat
- 憨憨.我爱你
如果您有好的域名可以 Fork 本项目部署自己的域名申请服务,或者可以将域名转移给我用作于开源项目使用。
If you have a good domain, you can fork this project to deploy your own domain application service, or you can transfer the domain to me for use in open source projects.
- 为了避免滥用,无网站内容的申请将被拒绝
- 为了避免域名冲突,请在申请前进行检查
- 您的网站至少要提供中文语言版本(推荐中英双文)
- 已经完成网站建设(提供介绍或截图)或已经发布开源项目(准备为开源项目搭建网站)
- 不可在网站中出现政治敏感及暴力、色情、链接跳转、VPN、反向代理服务等违法或敏感内容
- First of all, you need a site with content
- Check whether the subdomain is available
- Your site
must(will be nice to) have a Chinese translation edition - Already finish web site development, or supply an opensource project you want a site for
- Illegal topics and politically sensitive contents are forbbiden (Short-link service, VPN, proxy, etc.)
(Conduct domain name inspections from time to time, and clean up domain names that violate the above rules, have no content, and are non-open source related domain names)
Special reminder: If the content of your website does not comply with Chinese laws and regulations, your domain name will be deleted and no backup will be provided.
Donation ways:
- Github: https://github.com/sponsors/willin
- Paypal: https://paypal.me/willinwang
- Alipay or Wechat Pay: QRCode
# init db
npx wrangler d1 migrations apply RECORDS --local
# optional import data
npx wrangler d1 execute RECORDS --file /PATH/data.sql --local