Homepage: http://github.com/whym/wikihadoop Date: 2012-04-16 Version: 0.2
Wikipedia XML dumps with complete edit histories [1] have been difficult to process because of their exceptional size and structure. While a "page" is a common processing unit, one Wikipedia page may contain more than gigabytes of text when the edit history is very long.
This software provides an InputFormat
for Hadoop Streaming
Interface that processes Wikipedia bzip2 XML dumps in a streaming
manner. Using this InputFormat
, the content of every page is fed
to a mapper via standard input and output without using too much
memory. Thanks to Hadoop Streaming, mappers can be implemented in any
See the wiki page for a more detailed introduction and tutorial.
[1] | For example, one dump file such as pages-meta-history1.xml.bz2, pages-meta-history6.xml.bz2, etc, provided at http://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/20110803/ is more than 30 gigabytes in compressed forms, and more than 700 gigabytes when decompressed. |
Essentially WikiHadoop is an input format for Hadoop Streaming
. Once you have StreamWikiDumpInputFormat
in the class path, you can give it into the -inputformat
To get the input format class working with Hadoop Streaming, proceed with the following procedures:
Install Apache Hadoop. Version 0.21, 0.22 and 0.23 are the ones we tested.
- See also Requirements.
Obtain our jar file from download page. Alternatively, you can build the class and/or the jar by yourself (see How to build). We will call the jar file
in this document.Find the jar file of Hadoop Streaming in your copy of Hadoop. It is probably found at
. We will call ithadoop-streaming.jar
in this document.Run a Hadoop Streaming command with the jar file and our input format specified.
A command will look like this:
hadoop jar hadoop-streaming.jar -libjars wikihadoop.jar -inputformat org.wikimedia.wikihadoop.StreamWikiDumpInputFormat -mapper /bin/cat
See Sample command line usage, Configuration variables and the official documentation of Hadoop Streaming for more details.
We recommend to use our differ as the mapper when creating text diffs between consecutive revisions. The differ
is included in the tarball underdiffs
, or can be downloaded from the MediaWiki SVN repository bysvn checkout http://svn.wikimedia.org/svnroot/mediawiki/trunk/tools/wsor/diffs
. See its Differ's readme file for more details and other requirements.Note: mappers need to be distributed to the computing nodes under the same path. To do so, you can use the
option of Hadoop Streaming or copy the necessary files manually.
Download WikiHadoop and extract the source tree.
We provide both our git repository and a tarball package.
- Use
git clone https://[email protected]/whym/wikihadoop.git
to access to the latest source,
- Use
Run Maven to build a jar file.
mvn package
- By default it compiles with the Hadoop 0.22's code base. We have found that the resulting jar file is compatible with Hadoop 0.21, 0.23, 2.0 and CDH4. When it is incompatible for some reason, you could also try building it with customized pom files by running commands like
mvn -f pom-hadoop-0.21.xml package
ormvn -f pom-hadoop-0.23.xml package
, or changing the dependencies manually.
- By default it compiles with the Hadoop 0.22's code base. We have found that the resulting jar file is compatible with Hadoop 0.21, 0.23, 2.0 and CDH4. When it is incompatible for some reason, you could also try building it with customized pom files by running commands like
Find the resulting jar file at
Input can be Wikipedia XML dumps either as compressed in bzip2 (this is what you can directly get from the distribution site) or uncompressed.
The record reader embedded in this input format converts a page into a sequence of page-like elements, each of which contains two consecutive revisions. Output is given as key-value style records where a key is a page-like element and a value is always empty. For example, Given the following input containing two pages and four revisions,
<page> <title>ABC</title> <id>123</id> <revision> <id>100</id> .... </revision> <revision> <id>200</id> .... </revision> <revision> <id>300</id> .... </revision> </page> <page> <title>DEF</title> <id>456</id> <revision> <id>400</id> .... </revision> </page>
it will produce four keys formatted in page-like elements as follows
<page> <title>ABC</title> <id>123</id> <revision><revision beginningofpage="true"><text xml:space="preserve"></text></revision><revision> <id>100</id> .... </revision> </page>
<page> <title>ABC</title> <id>123</id> <revision> <id>100</id> .... </revision> <revision> <id>200</id> .... </revision> </page>
<page> <title>ABC</title> <id>123</id> <revision> <id>200</id> .... </revision> <revision> <id>300</id> .... </revision> </page>
<page> <title>DEF</title> <id>456</id> <revision><revision beginningofpage="true"><text xml:space="preserve"></text></revision><revision> <id>400</id> .... </revision> </page>
Notice that before This result will provide a mapper with all information about the revision including the title and page ID. We recommend to use our differ to get diffs.
Following softwares are required.
- Apache Hadoop
- Versions 0.21, 0.22, 0.23, 2.0 and CDH4 are supported.
- Cloudera's cdh3u1 is also supported at the cdh3u1 branch, thanks to François Kawla).
- Apache Maven
- Version 2 or 3. (the default version we test against is 2.2.1.)
See also Supported Versions of Hadoop for more information.
To process an English Wikipedia dump with the cat command:
hadoop jar hadoop-streaming.jar -libjars wikihadoop.jar -D mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize=300000000 -D mapreduce.task.timeout=6000000 -input /enwiki-20110722-pages-meta-history27.xml.bz2 -output /usr/hadoop/out -inputformat org.wikimedia.wikihadoop.StreamWikiDumpInputFormat -mapper /bin/cat
Following parameters can be configured as similarly as other parameters described in Hadoop Streaming.
Used to exclude pages with the headers that match to this. For example, to exclude all namespaces except for the main article space, use
-D org.wikimedia.wikihadoop.excludePagesWith="<title>(Media|Special|Talk|User|User talk|Wikipedia|Wikipedia talk|File|File talk|MediaWiki|MediaWiki talk|Template|Template talk|Help|Help talk|Category|Category talk|Portal|Portal talk|Book|Book talk):"
. When unspecified, WikiHadoop sends all pages to mappers.Ignoring pages irrelevant to the task is a good idea, if you want to speed up the process.
org.wikimedia.wikihadoop.previousRevision=true or false
- When set
, WikiHadoop writes only one revision in one page-like element without attaching the previous revision. The default behaviour (true
) is to write two consecutive revisions in one page-like element, mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize=BYTES
This variables specified the minimum size of a split sent to input readers.
The default size tends to be too small. Try changing it to a larger value by setting. The optimal value seems to be around (size of the input dump file) / (number of processors) / 5. For example, it will be 500000000 for English Wikipedia dumps when processing with 12 processors.
- Timeout may happen when pages are too long. Try setting longer than 6000000. Before it starts parsing the data and reporting the progress, WikiHadoop can take more than 6000 seconds to preprocess XML dumps.
Input dump files are split into smaller splits with the sizes close to
the value of mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize
. When
non-compressed input is used, each split exactly ends with a page end.
When bzip2 (or other splittable compression) input is used, each split
is modified so that every page is contained at least one of the
WikiHadoop's parser can be seen as a SAX parser that is tuned for
Wikipedia dump XMLs. By limiting its flexibility, it is supposed to
achieve higher efficiency. Instead of extracting all occurrence of
elements and attributes, it only looks for beginnings and endings of
elements and revision
- Hadoop map tasks with
may take a long time to finish preprocessing before starting reporting the progress. - Some revision pairs may be emitted twice when bzip2 input is used. (Issue #1)