jkl is a static site generator written in Go, based on Jekyll
Notable similarities between jkl and Jekyll:
- Directory structure
- Use of YAML front matter in Pages and Posts
- Availability of
variables in templates - Copies all static files into destination directory
Notable differences between jkl and Jekyll:
- Uses Go templates
- Only supports YAML front matter in markup files
- No plugin support
Additional features:
- Deploy to Qiniu Cloud Storage
- Deploy to Amazon S3
Sites built with jkl:
- Drone.io Documentation: http://docs.drone.io
- Drone.io Blog: http://blog.drone.io
- Qiniu Cloud Storage Documentation: http://docs.qiniu.com
Source of above sites:
- https://github.com/drone/docs.drone.io
- https://github.com/drone/blog.drone.io
- https://github.com/qiniu/docs.qiniu.com
You can select the binary distribution that matches your operating system and processor architecture as bellow.
- Mac OS X 64-bit zip tar.gz
- Mac OS X 32-bit zip tar.gz
- Linux 64-bit zip tar.gz
- Linux 32-bit zip tar.gz
- FreeBSD 64-bit zip tar.gz
- FreeBSD 32-bit zip tar.gz
- Windows 64-bit zip tar.gz
- Windows 32-bit zip tar.gz
If you want to install from source you should install the Go tools first.
In order to compile with go build
you will first need to download
the following dependencies(be sure you have already set the GOPATH
environment variable):
go get github.com/qiniu/bytes
go get github.com/qiniu/rpc
go get github.com/qiniu/api
go get github.com/russross/blackfriday
go get github.com/howeyc/fsnotify
go get launchpad.net/goyaml
go get launchpad.net/gocheck
go get launchpad.net/goamz/aws
go get launchpad.net/goamz/s3
Compile it form source
git clone git://github.com/why404/jkl.git
cd jkl
go build
Once you have compiled or downloaded jkl
you can install with the following command:
sudo mv ./jkl /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/jkl
Usage: jkl [OPTION]... [SOURCE]
--auto re-generates the site when files are modified
--base-url serve website from a given base URL
--source changes the dir where Jekyll will look to transform files
--destination changes the dir where Jekyll will write files to
--server starts a server that will host your _site directory
--port changes the port that the Jekyll server will run on
--s3 copies the _site directory to s3
--s3-config path to the _jekyll_s3.yml file that specifies your AWS key, secret and bucket
--s3-key aws access key use for s3 authentication
--s3-secret aws secret key use for s3 authentication
--s3-bucket name of the s3 bucket
--qiniu copies the _site directory to Qiniu Cloud Storage
--qiniu-config path to the _jekyll_qiniu.yml file that specifies your Qiniu key, secret and bucket
--qiniu-key access key use for qiniu authentication
--qiniu-secret secret key use for qiniu authentication
--qiniu-bucket name of the qiniu bucket
-v, --verbose runs jkl with verbose output
-h, --help display this help and exit
jkl generates site from current working directory
jkl /path/to/site generates site from source dir /path/to/site
jkl --server generates site and serves at localhost:4000
jkl --server --port=:4567 generates site and serves at localhost:4567
jkl --s3 --verbose copies the _site directory to s3
jkl --qiniu --verbose copies the _site directory to Qiniu Cloud Storage
If you are running the website in server mode, with the --server
flag, you can
also instruct jkl
to auto-recompile you website by adding the --auto
In order to deploy to Qiniu Cloud Storage you must include a _jekyll_qiniu.yml
file that specifies your Qiniu key, secret and bucket:
If the _jekyll_qiniu.yml
file in your site's root directory, you can run
jkl --qiniu
otherwise, run this:
jkl --qiniu --qiniu-config=/path/to/_jekyll_qiniu.yml
If you do not want to use the config file, you can do it as the following command:
jkl --qiniu \
--qiniu-secret=YOUR_QINIU_SECRET_KEY \
Runs jkl with verbose output you can use the --verbose
If you want to deploy to Amazon S3 you must include a _jekyll_s3.yml
file that specifies your AWS key, secret and bucket:
s3_bucket: YOUR_AWS_S3_BUCKET
If the _jekyll_s3.yml
file in your site's root directory, you can run
jkl --s3
otherwise, run this:
jkl --s3 --s3-config=/path/to/_jekyll_s3.yml
If you do not want to use the config file, you can do it as the following command:
jkl --s3 \
Runs jkl with verbose output you can use the --verbose
See the official Jekyll wiki ... just remember that you are using Go templates instead of Liquid templates.