A front-end web application designed to locate restrooms near you, including filters for wheelchair accessibility and gender neutrality.
**DigitalCrafts Houston and Atlanta Full-Stack Developers** This is a project designed by four members of the DigitalCrafts Full Stack Immersive Program. This app is a front-end developed project that uses information gathered from an API and displays it to the users to help find public bathrooms near them. It additionally provides information about the location and appearance of the bathrooms and their accessibility.
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We created this site and app in order to provide users with a more efficient way of finding public bathrooms near them. We tried to make this an inclusive project, and thanks to the API, we are able to provide users with multiple resources about the restooms.
Why an app such as this can be helpful:
- In some areas it can be difficult to know where the closest restrooms are, especially if you're a tourist or are not used to the area.
- The information provided can be helpful in finding out if the closest restrooms are accessible to the disabled, have changing stations, or are unisex bathrooms.
- This will be especially helpful for travellers and will allow people from all walks of life to find accessible bathrooms.
- JavaScript
- CSS3
You can copy the link from our GitHub code, or follow any of the links in this document to see the live site.
- Clone to local machine
git clone https://github.com/cristinahdz29/frontend_project.git
For more examples, please refer to the Project-Demo
Here are some images of our code and our product.
Dominic Waters - ([email protected])
Cristina Hernandez - ([email protected])
Shannel Philp - ([email protected])
Will Foody - ([email protected])
- Dominic Waters (https://github.com/DomWat) - github
- Will Foody (https://github.com/wfoody) - github
- Shannel Philp (https://github.com/S-Philp) - github
- Cristina Hernandez (https://github.com/cristinahdz29) - github
- Nathan Orris - The Certified
- DiR at DigitalCrafts Houston - NathanNoSudo
- Othneildrew - OthneilDrew