rechnung is a command line based invoice generation system.
- purely file based (no database)
- customizeable (invoice layout is HTML/CSS)
Clone this repository to your machine:
$ git clone
Install the package
$ make install
Note: At the moment installation via pip only works, if you provide the -e option. Therefore it is recommended to use the provided make install method.
This section is a quick walkthrough all the features.
Before you can start generating your own invoices you need to setup your working directory for rechnung. By invoking
$ rechnung init
all required directory and configuration files will be placed in the current working directory. It is recommended to do this in a clean directory.
You can now edit the rechnung.config.yaml file to your needs. You need to enter the credentials for the mail server if you want to send out your invoices by email.
Customization of the invoices can be done by editing the invoice template templates/invoice_template.j2.html and the corresponding stylesheet in assets/inovice.css.
After creating your customers, you can create your first invoices. The following command
$ rechnung create-invoices 2019 10
will create invoices for all customers who have a contract starting before and ending after october 2019.
You can force overwrite of existing invoices by giving the --force/-f option
$ rechnung create-invoices --force 2019 10
Individual invoices can be created by giving a specific customer id (cid)
$ rechnung create-invoices -c 1000 2019 10
After creating your invoices you can doublecheck for correctness.
If everything is correct, you are ready to create your pdf invoice documents.
$ rechnung render-all
This command will render all invoice yaml files, which have no corresponding pdf file. I.e. if you happen to spot an error in an invoice pdf. Simply delete the pdf file, correct the mistake in the invoice yaml, and run the command again.
If you want to use the included mail delivery service, you should customize the invoice mail template to your needs: assets/invoice_mail_template.j2.
After doing that, you can send all the invoices you just created to your customers:
$ rechnung send 2019 09
This command will send all invoices with the given suffix to the customer given in the invoice yaml file.
And that's it!
- Florian Rämisch, 2019
- Paul Spooren, 2019
GNU General Public License v3