xet7 created this test fork of this kanban prototype. It remains to be seen, does this prototype get enough progress to be useful. It's just at test, does xet7 get stuck somewhere.
A list of prototypes:
xet7 also sent some updates upsteam:
Yes, you can!
Welcome to the meme Kanban board that jbigler created as a learning project for the latest Rails stack.
After creating an account, you can create workspaces which will be able to be shared with others. Within a workspace you can create as many boards as you need. Each board has a collection of lists, and each list has a collection of cards. The boards and lists can be manipulated via drag-and-drop. If you invite another User to your workspace, you can both work on the same board together. Turbo frames and streams are used to broadcast the changes.
- Ruby 3.2.5
- Ruby on Rails
- Authentication Zero
- LiteStack
- Flowbite TailwindCSS components
- SortableJS through Stimulus
- Turbo frames and streams
- Pundit
- Minitest
- FactoryBot