RIDLFMT is a tool for formatting files written in the RIDL format, used by webrpc.
It uses similiar API as gofmt
ridlfmt -h
usage: ridlfmt [flags] [path...]
-h show help
-s sort errors by code
-w write result to (source) file instead of stdout
You can install RIDLFMT using go install
go install github.com/webrpc/ridlfmt@latest
Install these extensions:
- RIDL syntax
- Needed for recognition of
filetype and as a bonus it provides syntax highlighting.
- Needed for recognition of
- Custom Local Formatters
If the extensions can't be found, install them manually: Stack overflow: How to install VS code extension manually?
Add this to settings.json
"customLocalFormatters.formatters": [
"command": "ridlfmt -s",
"languages": ["ridl"]
Flag -s
is for sorting errors.
Now you should be able to format .ridl
, right click and Format Document
If you want to format on save, use this settings, but it is global
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
NOTE: If it doesn't work, check the logs (Developer: Show logs...
-> Extension Host
), if you see this error: /bin/sh: line 1: ridlfmt: command not found
then ridlfmt
is not seen by /bin/sh
, you can copy the binary there with this command:
sudo cp $(go env GOPATH)/bin/ridlfmt /usr/local/bin/
Neovim using null-ls/none-ls
Define .ridl
filetype, so Neovim would know about it (without this the .ridl
files wouldn't be detected)
vim.cmd('autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.ridl set filetype=ridl')
Define custom source and register it same as builtins formatters:
local ridl_formatter = {
name = "ridlfmt",
filetypes = { "ridl" },
method = null_ls.methods.FORMATTING,
generator = null_ls.formatter({
command = "ridlfmt",
args = { "-s" },
to_stdin = true,
from_stderr = true,