A repo to make git bash environment user-friendly.
Simpley Run
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/wang-chen/git.git
cd git
./install.sh && bash
Create a file ".bash_profile" in your home folder, if there is one already, skip this step.
For MacOS Catalina (MacOS 10.15) and after:
2.1, Change your default shell from "/bin/zsh" to "/bin/bash" following this link.
2.2, Add the following line to your ".bash_profile".
For earlier MacOS version, skip this step.
cd ~ git clone https://github.com/wang-chen/git.git cd git cp .git-prompt.sh ~/ cp .git-completion.bash ~/ cat ./.bashrc >> ~/.bash_profile
1, Git command auto completion and its enviorment will be short.
The bash shell leading will be "user (branch [#*+]) folder $", where "#", "*", and "+" indicate "an init repo", "repo has changes", and "changes staged, but not commited", respectively.
2, For example, when you change directory to a git repo, it will show your current branch.
3, When you checkout to another branch:
4, When changing something, it will show "*"; when adding it to your repo, it will show "+":
5, Checkout back to master branch:
6, Note: It doesn't replace your git, it only shows where you are when you use git.
7, If you want to know your current folder path, run:
Simply delete the following lines, located at the end of the file '.bashrc' or ".bash_profile" in your home folder.
# Add from https://github.com/wang-chen/git.git
# Enable tab completion
source ~/git-completion.bash
# colors!
# Change command prompt
source ~/git-prompt.sh
# '\u' adds the name of the current user to the prompt
# '\$(__git_ps1)' adds git-related stuff
# '\W' adds the name of the current directory
export PS1="$purple\u$green\$(__git_ps1)$blue \W $ $reset"
alias ls="ls -G"
alias ll="ls -al -G"