This project is a WIP! Feedback and help welcome, but don't expect stability just yet.
Vigor is a distribution to manage your vim configuration in layers. Layers are a combination of vim plugins and related configuration. The hope with Vigor is that it will provide a solid foundation for the community to build layers on top of that will work for everyone, as well as codify the "best practices" in the vim community.
The core Vigor framework does not prescribe any particular way of doing things. In fact, Vigor doesn't do anything at all unless a user tells it to.
[ -d ~/.config/nvim ] || git clone ~/.config/nvim
for p in language-prose vigor-ui linting git language-go language-vim completion defaults; do
echo " ---> Ensuring that the ${p} layer is installed."
[ -d ~/.config/nvim/layers/${p} ] || git clone${p}.git ~/.config/nvim/layers/${p}