There are many tools for improving Go's tests.
It's hard to beat the simplicity of go test
but we all know it can get, well,
a little disorganized.
helps by just give you an extra little bit of organization to perform
common setup between tests.
Oh, and it integrates with
to coordinate
your mocks (clearing and asserting them).
Here is a quick example:
import (
func TestNekoEnjoysFun(t *testing.T) {
n := neko.Start(t)
var fun Fun
n.Setup(func() {
fun = CreateAmeowsements()
n.It("enjoys fun", func() {
if !fun.IsFun() {
t.Fatal("fun isn't fun?? :( :(")
n.It("knows when it's fun time", func() {
if !fun.ItsTime() {
t.Fatal("no fun time? :( :(")