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Progressive request tool based on axios. It does not destroy the original abilities of axios, and helps you process requests more easily.



# Install with npm, yarn or pnpm

# npm
npm i @varlet/axle -S

yarn add @varlet/axle

pnpm add @varlet/axle

Send Request

Axle normalizes the parameters of the request function, and expands more request functions for different interface requirements. Here is a simple example.

import { createAxle } from '@varlet/axle'

const axle = createAxle(/** @see **/)

axle.get('/url', { current: 1, pageSize: 10 }, { headers: {} })'/url', { name: 'Axle' }, { headers: {} })


Axle fully supports all configuration abilities of axios.

const axle = createAxle(/** @see **/)
// The built-in axios of the axle, the usage is exactly the same as that of axios, and shares the configuration with the axle.
const { axios } = axle

axios.defaults.baseURL = ''
axios.defaults.headers.common['TOKEN'] = TOKEN
axios.defaults.timeout = 2500

// Add a request interceptor
  (config) => {
    // Do something before request is sent
    return config
  (error) => {
    // Do something with request error
    return Promise.reject(error)

// Add a response interceptor
  (response) => {
    // Any status code that lie within the range of 2xx cause this function to trigger
    // Do something with response data
    return response
  (error) => {
    // Any status codes that falls outside the range of 2xx cause this function to trigger
    // Do something with response error
    return Promise.reject(error)

Axle & Axios Request Functions

The request function provided by Axle can help you send requests more easily. Here are some examples including comparison with axios. Tips: Take get and post as examples below, Axle also supports options, head, delete, patch , put methods.



// axios
axios.get('/url', { params: { id: 1 } })
// axle
axle.get('/url', { id: 1 })


// axios
axios.get('/url', { params: { id: 1 }, responseType: 'blob' })
// axle
axle.getBlob('/url', { id: 1 })


// axios
axios.get('/url', { params: { id: 1 }, responseType: 'text' })
// axle
axle.getText('/url', { id: 1 })


// axios
axios.get('/url', { params: { id: 1 }, responseType: 'document' })
// axle
axle.getDocument('/url', { id: 1 })


// axios
axios.get('/url', { params: { id: 1 }, responseType: 'arraybuffer' })
// axle
axle.getArrayBuffer('/url', { id: 1 })


// axios
axios.get('/url', { params: { id: 1 }, responseType: 'stream' })
// axle
axle.getStream('/url', { id: 1 })



Same with axios.

// axios'/url', { name: 'foo' })
// axle'/url', { name: 'foo' })


// axios'/url', qs.stringify({ name: 'foo' }), {
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
// axle
axle.postUrlEncode('/url', { name: 'foo' })


// axios
const formData = new FormData()
formData.append('name', 'foo')
formData.append('file', new File())'/url', formData, {
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
// axle
axle.postMultipart('/url', { name: 'foo', file: new File() })


Notify the browser to download the file

import { download } from '@varlet/axle'

download(await axle.getBlob('/url', { id: 1 }), 'filename')

Return both a success response and an error response

import { withResponse } from '@varlet/axle'

const { response, errorResponse } = await withResponse(axle.get('/url'))

Common Header Operate

const headers = axle.getHeaders()
axle.setHeader('TOKEN', TOKEN)

Built-in interceptor

axle provides some practical requests/response interceptors, and is compatible with axle and axios.


import { requestHeadersInterceptor, responseTimeoutInterceptor } from '@varlet/axle'

const headersInterceptor = requestHeadersInterceptor({
  headers: () => ({
    token: localStorage.getItem('token'),
    'Axle-Custom-Header': 'Axle-Custom-Header',

const retryInterceptor = responseRetryInterceptor({ count: 3 })

axios.interceptors.response.use(retryInterceptor.onFulfilled, retryInterceptor.onRejected, retryInterceptor.options)


import { requestHeadersInterceptor, responseTimeoutInterceptor } from '@varlet/axle'

    headers: () => ({
      token: localStorage.getItem('token'),
      'Axle-Custom-Header': 'Axle-Custom-Header',

axle.useResponseInterceptor(responseRetryInterceptor({ count: 3 }))

General parameter of the interceptor

Each built-in interceptor supports include exclude axiosInterceptorOptions (same with Axios interceptor).

include & exclude

It is used to request filtering to determine what request should apply the interceptor and support specifying the methodglob syntax or status code. The usage method is as follows.

    count: 3,
    include: ['method:put', 'method:post', 'status:500'],
    exclude: ['/system/**', '/user/addUser', 'status:400'],

List of built-in interceptor

Name Description
requestHeadersInterceptor Used to customize the request header
requestMockInterceptor Used to mock data
requestMd5Interceptor Used for md encryption of parameters and headers
responseRetryInterceptor Used to realize the request abnormal retry
responseStatusInterceptor Used to intercept status code
responseBlobInterceptor Used to intercept blob type
responseTimeoutInterceptor Used to abnormal timeout

Vue Composition API

Axle provides the usage of Vue Composition API style, which encapsulates the loading status, error status, upload and download progress of the request, return data, lifecycle, etc., And inherit all the configuration of axios.

<script setup>
  import { createAxle } from '@varlet/axle'
  import { createUseAxle } from '@varlet/axle/use'

  const axle = createAxle(/** @see **/)

  const useAxle = createUseAxle({
    // Optional value: Default immediate of the useAxle, defaults true
    immediate: false,
    // Optional value: Default onTransform of the useAxle
    onTransform: (response) => response,

  const [
    // request runner/invoker
    // extra properties
    { loading, error, uploadProgress, downloadProgress, abort, resetValue },
  ] = useAxle({
    // Request initial value
    value: [],
    // Request method
    method: 'get',
    // Request url can be a getter function
    url: '/user',
    // Whether to send the request immediately, defaults true
    immediate: false,
    // Whether the value needs to be reset before requesting, defaults false
    resetValue: true,
    // Whether to clone when resetting value, defaults false
    // When set to true, use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)) cloned
    // When set to a function, the set function will be used as the clone function, such as v => _.cloneDeep(v)
    cloneResetValue: true,
    // Request params, defaults {}, can be a getter function
    params: { current: 1, pageSize: 10 },
    // Axios config, see can be a getter function
    config: { headers: {} },
    // lifecycle
    onBefore(refs) {
      const { data, loading, error, uploadProgress, downloadProgress } = refs
      console.log(data.value, loading.value, error.value, uploadProgress.value, downloadProgress.value)
      // Do request before
    onTransform(response, refs) {
      // Handle data transform, The transformed data will be the value of users.
    onSuccess(response, refs) {
      // Do request success
    onError(error, refs) {
      // Do request error
    onAfter(refs) {
      // Do request after

  <span>{{ users }}</span>
  <span>{{ loading }}</span>
  <span>{{ error }}</span>
  <span>{{ uploadProgress }}</span>
  <span>{{ downloadProgress }}</span>
  <button @click="getUsers">Send Request</button>
  <button @click="abort">Abort Request</button>

API Definition Enhancement

createApi is supported since v0.9.0, which is used to define APIs.

Define APIs

import { createAxle } from '@varlet/axle'
import { createApi } from '@varlet/axle/api'
import { createUseAxle } from '@varlet/axle/use'

const axle = createAxle({
  baseURL: '/api',

const useAxle = createUseAxle({

const api = createApi(axle, useAxle)

export const apiGetUsers = api<Response<User[]>>('/user', 'get')

export const apiGetUser = api<Response<User>>('/user/:id', 'get')

export const apiCreateUser = api<Response<User>, CreateUser>('/user', 'post')

export const apiUpdateUser = api<Response<User>, UpdateUser>('/user/:id', 'put')

export const apiDeleteUser = api<Response<User>>('/user/:id', 'delete')

export type Response<T> = {
  data: T
  code: number
  message: string
  success: boolean

export interface User {
  id: string
  name: string

export interface CreateUser {
  name: string

export interface UpdateUser {
  name: string

Invoke APIs

const route = useRoute()

const [users, getUsers] = apiGetUsers.use<Response<User[]>>(/** same as useAxle and extends pathParams **/)

const [user, getUser] = apiGetUser.use<Response<User>>({
  pathParams: () => ({ id: }),

async function handleCreate(params: CreateUser) {
  const { success } = await apiCreateUser.load(params)

  if (success) {

async function handleUpdate(params: UpdateUser, id: string) {
  const { success } = await apiUpdateUser.load(params, { id })

  if (success) {

async function handleDelete(id: string) {
  const { success } = await apiDeleteUser.load({}, { id })

  if (success) {

Runner Enhancement

Since v0.10.0, the runner will include all the extra properties, so we can further simplify the work.


<script setup>
const [users, getUsers, { loading: isUsersLoading }] = useAxle({
  method: 'get',
  url: '/user',
const [posts, getPosts, { loading: isPostsLoading }] = useAxle({
  method: 'get',
  url: '/post',

  <span>{{ isUsersLoading ? 'loading...' : users }}</span>
  <span>{{ isPostsLoading ? 'loading...' : posts }}</span>
  <button @click="getUsers">Send Request</button>
  <button @click="getPosts">Send Request</button>


<script setup>
const [users, getUsers] = useAxle({
  method: 'get',
  url: '/user',
const [posts, getPosts] = useAxle({
  method: 'get',
  url: '/post',

  <span>{{ getUsers.loading.value ? 'loading...' : users }}</span>
  <span>{{ getPosts.loading.value ? 'loading...' : posts }}</span>
  <button @click="getUsers">Send Request</button>
  <button @click="getPosts">Send Request</button>

API Generation Tool

The API generation tool can generate all API dispatcher and type declarations through Schema of Openapi3/Swagger2. We recommend using api-farmer, which has first-party support for axle and is highly customizable.