DeNS is a Deterministic Networks Simulator, based on OMNET++ discrete event simulator, INET framework and depends on NeSTiNg TSN package for clock and transmission selection modules at link-layer.
- Download and install OMNeT++ version 5.5.1. (Installation guide)
to your OMNeT++ directory and$ source setenv
to add omnetpp toPATH
- Download INET version 4.1.0. Alternatively, clone the INET repository and checkout tag v4.1.0
$ git clone --branch v4.1.0 --depth 1
- Clone NeSTiNg resposity. checkout the following commit to avoid compilation errors with DeNS
$ git clone
$ git checkout 2cbd94655f8cc63816b96e31732b8dcf99511378
- Clone DeNS reposity
$ git clone
Finally your directory should like:
|___ INET
|___ detnetmod
|___ nesting
- Launch OMNet++ IDE and set the workspace to the directory where packages have been downloaded in the previous step.
- Import
packages into your workspace.File -> Import
- select
Existing Projects into Workspace
option andNext>
- under
Select root directory
add your previously chosen workspace directory - select INET, detnetmod and nesting projects and
All the three projects should now appear in the Project Explorer
- First, right click detnetmod project and click on
- Under
Project References
, select INET and nesting,Apply and Close
(Important) - Each project can be set to
build by right click andBuild Configurations -> Set Active
- Right click each project (in the order INET, NeSTiNg, DeNS) and
Build Project
- Right click
paper2.ini andRun As -> OMNeT++ Simulation
. This opens the graphical interface for the simulation - paper2.ini contains the configurations used in the paper. Certain knowledge about ini configuration in OMNeT++ is required and helps in easy understanding of paper2.ini and navation into different modules used in configuration. Further details on modules and configuration files will be opened soon through Wiki page in this repository.
title={Moving a step forward in the quest for Deterministic Networks (DetNet)},
author={Addanki, Vamsi and Iannone, Luigi},
booktitle={2020 IFIP Networking Conference (Networking)},