This is the cli to work with projects in the Val Town platform.
Usage: vt
Version: 0.0.3
-h, --help - Show this help.
-V, --version - Show the version number for this program.
clone <projectUri> [cloneDir] [branchName] - Clone a val town project
pull - Pull the latest changes for a val town project
push - Push local changes to a val town project
status - Show the working tree status
branch - List all project branches
browse - Open a project in a web browser
watch - Watch for changes and automatically sync with Val Town
checkout [existingBranchName] - Check out a different branch
create <projectName> [targetDir] - Create a new Val Town project
To install or update to the latest version, run:
deno install -gAfr jsr:@valtown/vt
Or if you would prefer a more descriptive command with minimal permissions:
deno install --global --force --reload --allow-read --allow-write --allow-env --allow-net jsr:@valtown/vt
environment variable to authenticate. Either as an
environment variable, or in a .env in your project. Head over to to make a new one.
Make sure it has "Read and write" permissions on "Projects".
# Or add to a .env in your project
export VAL_TOWN_API_KEY=vtwn_notRealnotRealnotRealnotReal
Run vt
to confirm everything is working:
$ vt --version
vt 0.0.3
Let's walk through a complete workflow to get you familiar with the Val Town CLI.
First, let's create a new project:
$ vt create helloWorld
√ Created public project apricot in ./helloWorld
$ cd helloWorld
This directory is empty except for a metadata folder .vt
that tracks your
project metadata. Let's start our project by adding a text file.
echo "Hello val town" > hello.txt
Upload this file to your project with vt push
$ vt push
√ Project pushed successfully from ./helloWorld
Now run vt open
to see your file in the Val Town UI.
Now that we've written our text file, let's create an HTTP val. Create new file
with the .http.tsx
extension and we'll automatically create it as an HTTP val
with an endpoint.
touch index.http.tsx
vt push
√ Project pushed successfully from ./hello-world
Now, if we return to our browser we can see that an http val has been created. It's erroring, let's fix that. Write a simple handler to the file:
export default async function (req) {
return new Response(`Hello ${req.method} ${req.url}`);
Once that's written, run vt push
again. Now I get a successful response from
my http val:
$ curl
Hello GET