Convert 3DS/OBJ formats into web-usable format
Mesher <input.3ds/input.obj> <output file>
W3D Format:
type W3D struct {
Meshes []Mesh `json:"meshes"`
type Mesh struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Normals bool `json:"normals"`
Coords bool `json:"coords"`
Indexes string `json:"indexes"`
Vertices string `json:"vertices"`
W3D is just a JSON file with an object containing an array of Meshes.
Every mesh contains a mesh name, 2 boolean that indicate if the mesh contains normals and texture coordinates and the indexes and vertices data encoded in base64. As the W3D file has been designed to work with WebGPU, indexes data is encoded as a series of 16 bit words, and vertices are a series of structs with the following format?
vertices: []float32 {
X,Y,Z float32 // vertex position
NX,NY,NZ float32 // vertex normal
U,V float32 // texture coordinates
If the mesh doesn't have normals or texture coordinates, they are simply not included. Every value is little-endian encoded. Only triangular meshes are supported in OBJ
- Add command flag to select meshes to export (currently evey mesh in the 3DS file is included)
- Add command flag to skip normals generation