Prometheus metrics exporter for MongoDB Atlas. This acts as a supplement to the official MongoDB Atlas - Datadog Integration. pema has no dependency on Datadog whatsoever. It exposes metrics in Prometheus's format.
If you have kubectl 1.14 or above, you can just do
$ kubectl apply -f k8s/
If you are running something older than 1.14, install kustomize and run
$ kustomize build k8s/ | kubectl -f -
Let's take a look at a sample settings file (k8s/settings)
# (required) This field is used to fetch cluster information. Pema works on a MongoDB Atlas project.
projectId: "<MongoDB Atlas Project ID here>"
# (required) tags/labels you want to add
# tag name. Has to be a valid yaml
# fetch MongoDBVersion field from
# every Cluster. Cluster here is a Golang Struct
# defined [here]( Just imagine it as a key-value map
# if you are not famililar with programming
value: Cluster.MongoDBVersion
# fetch ID from every cluster
value: Cluster.ID
# fetch Name from every cluster
value: Cluster.Name
# You can add as many tags as you want
# set values conditionally
# Uses [Expr]( expressions
# Here, it means get Name field from every cluster
# and check if it `matches` the regex '.*-staging.*'
# and if that is so, set the value to `staging`
- if: Cluster.Name matches ".*-staging.*" # if-then A
then: "staging"
# if-then is evaluated in the order they are written in
# i.e., if-then A is evaluated before if-then B
# Evluation method:
# - if if-then A returns true, stop and use the `value`
# field from if-then A
# - if if-then A returns false, evaluate if-then B
# -- if if-then B returns true, stop and use the value defined
# in the 'value' field of if-then B
# -- if if-then B returns false, set the final value to empty string "".
- if: Cluster.Name matches ".*-develop" # if-then B
then: "develop"
You can find a sample setting file in k8s/settings
. Replace the content
with your config.
- Make sure you don't change name of the
file. Check the file to see why. - Editing the settings in the ConfigMap won't automatically load the settings in the running application. You will have to restart the Pod.
- You need MongoDB Atlas keys to connect to the cluster. Check 'k8s/secret.yaml'. Don't rename the keys in this secret. Just set your Base64 encoded values against the keys.
Exposes active clusters
This metric was primarily created to facilitate creating alerts based on number of active clusters. e.g., If you run a backup/restore job to replace old clusters with the new clusters containing fresh data from production for development, there's a chance your job might fail and you'd have old clusters running which nobody is using. This incurs cost.
Pema means lotus in Tibetan.
The logo is a svg vector in public domain. Source