Promises simplify asynchronous programming, freeing you up to focus on the more important things. They are easy to learn, easy to master and result in clearer, more readable code. Your co-workers will thank you.
UIApplication.shared.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = true
let fetchImage = URLSession.shared.dataTask(.promise, with: url).compactMap{ UIImage(data: $ }
let fetchLocation = CLLocationManager.requestLocation().lastValue
firstly {
when(fulfilled: fetchImage, fetchLocation)
}.done { image, location in
self.imageView.image = image
self.label.text = "\(location)"
}.ensure {
UIApplication.shared.isNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible = false
}.catch { error in error), sender: self)
PromiseKit is a thoughtful and complete implementation of promises for any
platform that has a swiftc
. It has excellent Objective-C bridging and
delightful specializations for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS. It is a top-100
pod used in many of the most popular apps in the world.
We are testing PromiseKit 7 alpha, it is Swift 5 only. It is tagged and thus importable in all package managers.
Release notes and migration guide.
In your Podfile:
target "Change Me!" do
pod "PromiseKit", "~> 6.8"
The above gives an Xcode warning? See our Installation Guide.
PromiseKit 6, 5 and 4 support Xcode 8.3, 9.x and 10.0; Swift 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 5.0 (development snapshots); iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS, Linux and Android; CocoaPods, Carthage and SwiftPM; (CI Matrix).
For Carthage, SwiftPM, Accio, etc., or for instructions when using older Swifts or Xcodes, see our Installation Guide. We recommend Carthage or Accio.
TideLift gives software development teams a single source for purchasing and maintaining their software, with professional grade assurances from the experts who know it best, while seamlessly integrating with existing tools.
Get Professional Support for PromiseKit with TideLift.
Hey there, I’m Max Howell. I’m a prolific producer of open source software and
probably you already use some of it (I created brew
). I work full-time on
open source and it’s hard; currently I earn less than minimum wage. Please
help me continue my work, I appreciate it 🙏🏻
- Handbook
- Manual
- Installation Guide
- Objective-C Guide
- Troubleshooting (e.g., solutions to common compile errors)
- Appendix
- API Reference
Promises are only as useful as the asynchronous tasks they represent. Thus, we
have converted (almost) all of Apple’s APIs to promises. The default CocoaPod
provides Promises and the extensions for Foundation and UIKit. The other
extensions are available by specifying additional subspecs in your Podfile
pod "PromiseKit/MapKit" # MKDirections().calculate().then { /*…*/ }
pod "PromiseKit/CoreLocation" # CLLocationManager.requestLocation().then { /*…*/ }
All our extensions are separate repositories at the PromiseKit organization.
Then don’t have them:
pod "PromiseKit/CorePromise", "~> 6.8"
Note: Carthage installations come with no extensions by default.
Promise chains commonly start with a network operation. Thus, we offer
extensions for URLSession
// pod 'PromiseKit/Foundation' #
firstly {
URLSession.shared.dataTask(.promise, with: try makeUrlRequest()).validate()
// ^^ we provide `.validate()` so that eg. 404s get converted to errors
}.map {
try JSONDecoder().decode(Foo.self, with: $
}.done { foo in
}.catch { error in
func makeUrlRequest() throws -> URLRequest {
var rq = URLRequest(url: url)
rq.httpMethod = "POST"
rq.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
rq.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept")
rq.httpBody = try JSONEncoder().encode(obj)
return rq
And Alamofire:
// pod 'PromiseKit/Alamofire' #
firstly {
.request("", method: .post, parameters: params)
}.done { foo in
}.catch { error in
Nowadays, considering that:
- We almost always POST JSON
- We now have
- PromiseKit now has
and other functional primitives - PromiseKit (like Alamofire, but not raw-
) also defaults to having callbacks go to the main thread
We recommend vanilla URLSession
. It uses fewer black boxes and sticks closer to the metal. Alamofire was essential until the three bullet points above
became true, but nowadays it isn’t really necessary.
Please check our Troubleshooting Guide, and if after that you still have a question, ask at our Gitter chat channel or on our bug tracker.