Repository for the lab portion of VUV and X-ray Free Electron Lasers course (summer 2024).
The software for the class will run natively on Linux and macOS. Windows users will need to install a Linux distribution (e.g. Ubuntu) using WSL2.
Download and install Minforge using the instructions at: Note that:
- If you have a Mac with an M1, M2, or M3 processor, use the "Apple Silicon" link. For older MacBooks, use the x86-64 version. If unsure, click the Apple at the top left of your screen, "About this Mac" and look at the "Chip" line.
- For Windows on WSL2, choose the Linux x86-64 version (not the Windows build!).
Once installed, initialize conda on the command line with:
conda init
and restart the terminal.
The class will use this respository for all data. Please clone this repository using GitHub Desktop or using git
on the command line.
Note that this repository will be updated periodically during the class.
This repository contains a file environment.yml
. Change directories to this repository and install on the command line:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Now activate the fel2024
conda activate fel2024
and test that Jupyter lab works:
jupyter lab
Download LUME-Genesis' Genesis4 examples: lume_genesis_genesis4_examples.
Try these using Jupyter lab in the fel2024
The Genesis4 manual can also be found at the following repo: