ArcGIS REST API from style.yml of Charites
the social preview image is Brush Rest (Fude-oki) in the Shape of a Narcissus Spray and Blossoming Plum Branch.
$ npm install -g @unvt/itoma
$ itoma serve [path/to/style.yml]
More information on options are available with the --help
$ itoma --help
Usage: itoma [options] [command]
-v, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
serve [options] <source> serve your map locally
help [command] display help for command
Map Previews by Mapbox GL JS, MapLibre GL JS, and ArcGIS API for Javascript can be seen from http://localhost:8080 (or any specified port).
Once "itoma serve" starts, we can see the ArcGIS REST API responses from http://localhost:8080/arcgis/rest/services/{any_name}/VectorTileServer.
- index.json: http://localhost:8080/arcgis/rest/services/{any_name}/VectorTileServer/index.json
- root.json (style): http://localhost:8080/arcgis/rest/services/{any_name}/VectorTileServer/resources/styles/root.json
- sprites: http://localhost:8080/arcgis/rest/services/{any_name}/VectorTileServer/resources/sprites/
- glyphs (fonts): http://localhost:8080/arcgis/rest/services/{any_name}/VectorTileServer/resources/fonts/
- tilemap: http://localhost:8080/arcgis/rest/services/{any_name}/VectorTileServer/tilemap
- Please be advised that the tilemap range (of ZL) is fixed. (You may need to edit source code to adjust it for your own tile range.)
It is important to understand that ArcGIS Online now supports https protocol only (not http). When you use unvt/itoma to preview your tile with ArcGIS online, please use https protocol for localhost.
$ git clone
$ cd itoma
$ npm install
Then you can install:
$ npm install -g .