See help messages:
help print this help message
mock/gen generate mock $(IFASE) implementation against interface inside internal/domain, e.g. make mock/gen IFASE=PageUsecase
proto/gen generate code from grpc proto
redis/setup set up development environment
redis/flush wipe out data in redis
redis/down delete redis container
test run unit tests
build build the server binary
run/server build and run the server binary
run/client build and run the client binary
Install required package for connect-go
See official website
$ go install
$ go install
$ go install
$ go install
Start redis-stack container:
$ make redis/setup
Build and run binary:
$ make run/server
Run example client binary:
$ make run/client
Run the tests:
$ make test
or the run specific tests:
$ make test VERBOSE=1 TESTPKG=./page/repo/redis FOCUS="SetPage.*related data.*"
❓ Why not PostgreSQL ?
PostgreSQL implements Multi-version Concurrency Control (MVCC) by Snapshot Isolation (SI), and for the deleted row, t_xmax
field will be marked, and when it comes to VACUUM, this deleted row (dead tuple) will be cleaned. If we delete data frequently, there will be a lot of dead tuples in heap page. This will cause Index Scan
require more disk IO because the actual data is spreaded across multiple pages.
Although we can use some tricks like:
- Using online clustering tool e.g.
to reorganize table - Put data with similar expired time under same table, and Drop the table if all rows are expired.
But I think this will increase complexity.
See The Internals of PostgreSQL - Chapter 5: Concurrency Control for more information about Snapshot Isolation in PostgreSQL.
👍 TimescaleDB address this problem by directly drop chunks (PostgreSQL Table) to avoid vacuuming problem. See this talk for more information Rearchitecting a SQL Database for Time-Series Data | TimescaleDB
❓ Why I choose Redis ?
- It can delete expired key automatically
- Insertion is faster than PostgreSQL
- Simplicity: To be honest, it's because I can't generate correct gRPC .go file with Google gRPC package. The command is too hard to use
- Ecosystem: Can use Golang's
ecosystem, and for testing, we can usenet/http/httptest
- Make sure that every operation is 1 RTT (Round-trip time)
- Make sure that related data structure is stored in same Node
First one is achieved by using lua script, it's convenient because every lua script is ensured to be executed atomically, there's no way to interrupt this, so we don't use something like MULTI
, which is hard to use them within 1 RTT.
The Second one can be achieved by using Hash Tag see Redis cluster specification for more information.
We have three redis data structure to store the list data:
- Key:
- Purpose: store the metadata of a list, like
- Key:
- Purpose: store the score of
, the score will be the expire time ofpageKey
RedisJSON Object
- Key:
- Purpose: It stores the actual data, the TTL will be set to the object, so we don't need to delete expired data manually.
The reason I choose RedisJSON because in linked-list, we need to update to new pageKey,
if I use lua module like cjson, there will be very slow if content in a page is very large.
The reason is that
stores data in text format it means that , so if we need to
pointer frequently, it needs to decode and encode the text, which is costly.
- Time Complexity: O(1)
- RTT: 1
initializes the list with listMeta
, pageList
- Time Complexity: O(1)
- RTT: 1
do the following things:
- Find the tail recorded in
field of tailRedisJSON
object point to itself. - Add new
with expire time to sorted set (pageList
) - Add new
- Time Complexity:
- Best: O(1) if head haven't exired
- Worst: O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of expired elements removed by the operation.
- RTT: 1
gets the head for head field of HashMap listMeta
, but if head inside it is expired,
we use ZREMRANGEBYSCORE to remove expired pageKey entry in sorted set pageList
, then set the new head to listMeta.head
See ZREMRANGEBYSCORE command for more information.
- Time Complexity: O(1)
- RTT: 1
gets the page by pageKey
- TTL can not be adjusted because the linked list will broken.
- Redis is in-memory database, and we don't have a way to swap unused object into disk file, this will require lots of Redis node, which will be very expensive
- Cloud native, high availability, don't need to worry about sharding things.
- Can use TTL with Time Window Compaction Strategy (TWCS) to automatically whole expired SSTable.
- Can leverage disk storage, in contract, Redis can only use memory to store data.
- Can use CQL to query data, compared to Redis, this approach is more natural for me.