Contains Afrikaans paradigms for all of parts of speech, including: nouns (including proper names), verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns.
: AfriTools (
Peter Dirix
inkpot inkpot N;SG
inkpot inkpotjie N;SG;LGSPEC3
inkpot inkpotjies N;PL;LGSPEC3
inkpot inkpotte N;PL
logies logies ADJ;LGSPEC1
logies logiese ADJ;LGSPEC2
logies logieser ADJ;LGSPEC1;CMPR
logies logieser ADJ;LGSPEC2;CMPR
logies logiesste ADJ;LGSPEC1;SPRL
logies logiesste ADJ;LGSPEC2;SPRL
loop geloop V.PTCP;PST
loop loop V;INF
loop loop V;PRS
LGSPEC1 - Predicative inflection (base form) for adjective
LGSPEC2 - Attributive inflection for adjective
LGSPEC3 - Diminutive form for nouns and proper nouns
Peter Dirix (2023). "The need for a larger Afrikaans treebank." In: Ian Bekker and Theresa Biberauer (eds.), "Ex Africa semper aliquid novi: Linguistic shorts in honour of Andries Coetzee on his 50th birthday - Part I", Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus, 67, pp. 1-2, 2023, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, ISSN 2224-3380.
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)