Contains reports and functions used in the Genomics Platform Group at the University of Melbourne Centre for Cancer Research.
- Or if used inside a conda environment:
conda install r-gpgr -c umccr -c conda-forge -c bioconda
- Read and process output files from the
purity/copy number estimator tool from the Hartwig Medical Foundation ( See vignette at
- Generate a HTML report with results from the
WGS post-processing workflow- See the CLI section below for options.
See for developer notes.
A gpgr
command line interface is available for convenience.
- If you’re using the conda package, the
command will already be set up inside an activated conda environment. - If you’re not using the conda package, you need to export the
directory to yourPATH
in order to usegpgr.R
gpgr_cli=$(Rscript -e 'x = system.file("cli", package = "gpgr"); cat(x, "\n")' | xargs)
export PATH="${gpgr_cli}:${PATH}"
gpgr.R --version
gpgr.R 2.1.0
gpgr.R --help
usage: gpgr.R [-h] [-v] {canrep} ...
UMCCR Genomics Platform Group Reporting
positional arguments:
{canrep} sub-command help
canrep UMCCR Cancer Report.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
#------- Cancer Report -------#
gpgr.R canrep --help
usage: gpgr.R canrep [-h] --af_global AF_GLOBAL --af_keygenes AF_KEYGENES
--batch_name BATCH_NAME [--conda_list CONDA_LIST]
--img_dir IMG_DIR --key_genes KEY_GENES --oncokb_genes
--somatic_snv_summary SOMATIC_SNV_SUMMARY
--somatic_sv_tsv SOMATIC_SV_TSV --somatic_sv_vcf
SOMATIC_SV_VCF --purple_som_gene_cnv PURPLE_SOM_GENE_CNV
--purple_som_cnv_ann PURPLE_SOM_CNV_ANN --purple_som_cnv
PURPLE_SOM_CNV --purple_purity PURPLE_PURITY --purple_qc
PURPLE_QC --purple_som_snv_vcf PURPLE_SOM_SNV_VCF
--virusbreakend_tsv VIRUSBREAKEND_TSV --virusbreakend_vcf
--bcftools_stats BCFTOOLS_STATS [--out_file OUT_FILE]
[--quiet] --result_outdir RESULT_OUTDIR --tumor_name
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--af_global AF_GLOBAL
Path to `af_tumor.txt` file.
--af_keygenes AF_KEYGENES
Path to `af_tumor_keygenes.txt` file.
--batch_name BATCH_NAME
Name of batch sample.
--conda_list CONDA_LIST
Path to `conda_pkg_list.txt` file.
--img_dir IMG_DIR Path to directory containing PURPLE plots.
--key_genes KEY_GENES
Path to UMCCR cancer gene file.
--oncokb_genes ONCOKB_GENES
Path to OncoKB database file.
--somatic_snv_vcf SOMATIC_SNV_VCF
Path to `somatic-PASS.vcf.gz` SNV VCF.
--somatic_snv_summary SOMATIC_SNV_SUMMARY
Path to `somatic_snv_summary.json` JSON.
--somatic_sv_tsv SOMATIC_SV_TSV
Path to `manta.tsv` TSV file.
--somatic_sv_vcf SOMATIC_SV_VCF
Path to `manta.vcf.gz` VCF file.
--purple_som_gene_cnv PURPLE_SOM_GENE_CNV
Path to `purple.cnv.gene.tsv`.
--purple_som_cnv_ann PURPLE_SOM_CNV_ANN
Path to annotated and prioritised
--purple_som_cnv PURPLE_SOM_CNV
Path to `purple.cnv.somatic.tsv`.
--purple_purity PURPLE_PURITY
Path to `purple.purity.tsv`.
--purple_qc PURPLE_QC
Path to `purple.qc`.
--purple_som_snv_vcf PURPLE_SOM_SNV_VCF
Path to `purple.somatic.vcf.gz`.
--virusbreakend_tsv VIRUSBREAKEND_TSV
Path to VIRUSBreakend summary file.
--virusbreakend_vcf VIRUSBREAKEND_VCF
Path to VIRUSBreakend VCF file.
--dragen_hrd DRAGEN_HRD
Path to DRAGEN HRD file
--bcftools_stats BCFTOOLS_STATS
Path to bcftools stats file
--out_file OUT_FILE Path to output HTML file (needs '.html' suffix) [def:
--quiet Suppress log printing during rendering.
--result_outdir RESULT_OUTDIR
Path to directory to write tidy JSON/TSV results.
--tumor_name TUMOR_NAME
Name of tumor sample.