- Distributed Systems
- Exploring NixOS
- Ram Programming Language: A programming language written in Rust.
- Hackarmour Search Engine (Whitepaper): Design of a distributed search engine for information security.
- Appledore: A blazingly fast in-memory database implemented in rust.
- Positive Vibes: News app with parental controls implemented using the MERN stack.
- Brain F*** Compiler: with C++ in 24 hours.
- Night Protocol A blockchain protocol in rust and nextjs from scratch.
- Bitcoin CLI: CLI to manage BIP39 Wallets (Nodejs).
- Epictracker: Browser fingerprinting proof of concept: (Js/Nodejs).
- A garbage collector: with C++ in 2 hours.
- Sussy Malware: A malware written in rust for hackarmour ctf.
OS : Windows x64
WM : dwm.exe
Shell : powershell
Terminal : windows terminal
Dev Env : Arch with VBox
Languages : Js/Ts, Rust, Go, C/C++
Interests : Compilers, Malware & Distributed Systems
Mail : epicujjwal@protonmail.com
Twitter : @epicujjwal
Discord : @epicujjwal
You can mail me at [email protected], or connect with me on LinkedIn. Will soon reach back to you.