This is a fork of eFabless's Caravel (Analog) User-Project Starter. It serves as a delivery area, meeting eFabless's expectations for directory and file layout. Note many of its sub-directories targeted for specific tools (magic, xschem, etc) are left empty or unmodified from the template version.
Related components:
- osci-sky130 is the meta-repo containing all this stuff (including this repository) as Git sub-modules
- chipyard-osci130 contains the Chisel source and VLSI back-end configuration for the digital half of the SoC. (And is also a fork of
- osci-sky130-bag-workspace contains the BAG generator code for the Python-generated analog portions of the SoC, plus the OpenAccess views of all other custom-designed portions, including the top integration levels. This is a fork of the starter Berkeley Wireless Research Center Sky130 BAG Workspace, which includes both Sky130-tech-specific and BWRC-site-specific setup.