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🌀 CSC510: Software Engineering
NC State, Spring '25


SE is about teams. Teams of people you know that build your software. Teams you dont know that bult the software you are using. Other teams who use and fix your code. So, its time to learn about teams; about being a team player; about communicating within your team and to other teams; about being a follower and (when needed) a leader; and about creating and meeting team expectations. Enjoy!

Textbook freeware, on-line:

  title     = "[Software Engineering: A Modern Approach](",
  author    = "Marco Tulio Valente",
  editor    = "Self-published",
  isbn      = "978-65-01-26467-7",
  year      = 2024

📅 Week of... 🎓 Lecture 🛠️ Homework submission
(due 11:25am)
📂 Project submission
(due 11:25am)
✨ Other 📝 Notes 📊 Grade
Jan06 Mon: no class.
Wed: Syllabus;
Jan13 Mon: Process1
Wed: Process2
Fri: Review
Wed: Hw0: practice exam 0 marks
Jan20 Mon: no class (MLK day)
Wed: Requirements1
Wed: Hw1: beautiful repos 1:homework
Jan27 Mon: Requirements2 Wed: Hw2: share code Mon: Proj1: Goal setting 1:homework
Feb03 Mon: Models1
Wed: Models2
Feb12: Recording
Wed: Hw3: debugging 1:Homework
Feb10 Design1
Design4 (Video)
Thurs: Hw4: Script wizard 1:homework
Feb17 Patterns1
Feb24 Ethics Friday. Hw5: Make my day
See also Hw5 Additional Notes
Wed. Proj2: Extend old code 15:project
Mar03 Mon: Security
Wed: Mid-term exam
Mar10 Mon,Wed: no class (spring break)
Mar17 Architecture1 Frid: ethics essay 22:essay
Mar24 Mon: Testing1
Wed: Testing2
Mar31 Refactor1
Apr07 Devop1
Apr14 TBD Tuesday. Proj3: A great project 23:project
Apr21 Mon, Wed: no class
Apr28 Wed,Apr30 Final exam (noon to 2:30)

Final exam is optional. If taken, this grade will replaces the mid-term grade.

Grades for the subjection will be finalized Friday May 2 (no extensions).
