(3rd generation since 2025)
get Node.js (version 20 above recommended) and yarn package management tool
clone the code
install the package at root folder
yarn install
go the eg-browser folder
yarn install yarn dev
the browser should be running on your local computer now at http://localhost:5173/
VITE v5.4.14 ready in 409 ms ➜ Local: http://localhost:5173/ ➜ Network: use --host to expose ➜ press h + enter to show help
install the package from NPM registry
npm install wuepgg
import the package and related style sheet
import GenomeHub from "wuepg" import "wuepgg/style.css" <GenomeHub name={exampleName} dataHub={exampleDataHub} />
example of screenshot for each step can found below:
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