Hello! This bot will enable quick inline use of the LMGTFY service in the Telegram chat platform.
You'll need NodeJS to run this bot.
After you've installed that, open a terminal and type (or copy) the following:
git clone https://github.com/trgwii/LMGTFY-Bot.git
npm install
cp example.config.json config.json
Now you need to speak to BotFather within the Telegram application.
You'll need to create a bot if you didn't already, and get the token, then enable inline mode (use /setinline).
Next open config.json in your favorite text editor, and replace "BOT TOKEN HERE" with the token you got (Remember to surround it in "quotes").
You'll also need to grab an API token from kutt.it to use it's shortening capabilities. If you don't want this you can remove it from sources in defaults.config.json
Now you just have to run the following to start the bot:
node .