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Timothy Meade edited this page Sep 18, 2011 · 35 revisions

This project is dedicated to building the (L)ittle (K)ernel bootloader for devices based on MSM/QSD/APQ chips from Qualcomm.

The main focus at the moment is the HP Touchpad

We are based in #msm-bootloader which is an IRC channel on Freenode.

You can find logs here, much thanks to NetRipper for maintaining it.



Concepts and designs

We could use your help. Propose a concept or design for how the bootloader should look or work. This is not about artistic design or branding, but focused on usability and functionality.


Getting the source

make sure you are on linux, go to a terminal and type:

cd $HOME
mkdir src
cd src
git clone git://
cd lk
git checkout -b master origin/master
git remote add tmzt git://
git fetch tmzt
git checkout -b [[branch name]] tmzt/[[branch name]]

For instance, to build the branch merging our work:

git checkout -b jc-tmzt-bio tmzt/jc-tmzt-bio

Then follow the build instructions below

Graphical console

Thanks to [jcsullins] we now have a testable version with output to the Touchpad's screen!

Console output

cd $HOME
cd src/lk
git remote add jc git://
git fetch jc
git checkout -b jc-lcdc jc/master-tpapq-lcdc

Get a toolchain

We recommend (and only support) getting toolchain from here.


You need to be root for these steps, if your distro is different use the appropriate command

sudo mkdir -p /opt
sudo tar xf -C /opt/ arm-2009q1-203-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2

Build the LK bootloader for touchpad-apq

cd $HOME
cd src/lk
git checkout master-tpapq

(then all on one line)
PATH=/opt/arm-2009q1/bin:$PATH TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX=arm-none-linux-gnueabi- PROJECT=apq-touchpad make

Create a uImage with mkimage and boot it with bootie on your TouchPad

You will need mkimage from the uboot utils package (see Uboot_and_Mkimage) Make sure that lk and lk.bin exist in build-touchpad-apq, then

cd $HOME
cd src/lk
mkimage -A arm -T kernel -C none -A arm -a 0x40208000 -e 0x40208000 -d build-apq-touchpad/lk.bin lk.uImage

Booing the lk image

Now to boot it (won't do very much yet :)) You will need the novacom utility from HP (see Novacom).

cd $HOME
cd src/lk

# allow usbserial device to "see" the lk-fastboot interface
sudo rmmod qcserial    # may not exist, ignore if it doesn't
sudo rmmod usbserial
sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x18d1 product=0xd00d
sudo modprobe qcserial  # if it existed above

novaterm                             # while booted into WebOS and USB cable connected
tellbootie recover                   # should reboot TP into USB-recovery mode (see big USB symbol)
novacom boot mem:// < lk.uImage

# to reset TP, hold center-button and power for 15-20 seconds 
# or, connect to /dev/ttyUSBn (n=0, 1, ?) with terminal program (i.e. minicom)