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Repository files navigation Tokyo Linux Users Group Website

This is an experimental work in progress for one possible new version of, the Tokyo Linux Users Group website. It's a fully static site generated using Hakyll, intended to be deployed to a CDN such as Netlify. It's possible to add dynamic elements by having JS call an API on another server.

The current developers/maintainers are:

Discussion Forums

  • TLUG Gitter room. Web or desktop/mobile app. Read without authentication; GitHub/GitLab/Twitter authentication needed to post. Full history visible to all. Private channels also available.
  • No history (?).
  • TLUG mailing list. Archives on the web.

Site Organization and Future Development

Documentation related to this site is stored in various files under the doc/ directory. In order of importance, these include:

  • ORGANIZATION: Information on the current organization of the site, organization of the previous site(s) and ideas for where to move forward from here.
  • proposals: Discussion of random ideas that we could implement.
  • hakyll: Information about hacking on the site compiler itself (app/SiteCompiler.hs). You can safely skip this if you're working only on site content.
  • hosting: Information about the hosting for this site.


The top-level Test script (usually run with the command ./Test) does a build, test and optional release. The steps it performs are:

  1. Install/update Haskell Stack if necessary. Stack will be installed to ~/.local/bin/, but if it requires OS package dependencies that you don't have installed on your system you may be required to respond to a sudo password prompt for the package installer. This can also be done manually with:

    #    Install Stack
    curl -sSL | sh
    wget -qO- | sh
    #    Update existing Stack version
    stack upgrade
  2. Build Hakyll if necessary (this can take some time) and build the site into the _site/ directory. This can also be done manually with:

    stack build --test
    stack exec site-compiler build
  3. Run tests (of which we currently have none).

Hakyll also includes a preview server that will serve the locally-built site and rebuild it when the source files change:

stack exec site-compiler watch -- --host HOST --port PORT

--host and --port are optional. The server will not automatically load or refresh pages in your browser when the site changes.

Staging Deployment

Staging deployments of local builds can currently be done to any system that can serve the files on the gh-pages branch of a copy of this repo, including GithHub Pages (on and Netlify.

Running ./Test --dev-release will compile the site and commit a copy to a branch named for the current branch with -release appended. You must be on a branch starting with dev/ (e.g., dev/cjs/my-changes) and your working tree must be completely clean, with no uncommited changes, and no untracked files. (git stash --all can help with this.)

When complete, the Test script will print out the command to use to push up your release branch; configure Netlify to serve this branch and you're set.

GitHub Pages Deployment is a deployment of the gh-pages branch from the master repo, and is updated automatically with new pushes to that branch.

Anybody with a fork of the repo can also deploy to GitHub Pages in the same way. The documentation has full details, but is missing a few important points.

First, remember that even if your repo is private, the GitHub Pages deployed from that repo is fully public and anybody can fetch any contents from the gh-pages branch if they know the name. Additionally, some pages may continue to be served even after the repo has been deleted.

After you fork the repo it may appear already to be configured for deployment under a project pages URL, but it isn't. As per the documentation on configuring a publishing source you should go to "Settings", ensure "Options" is selected at the left, and scroll down to the "GitHub Pages" section.

The "Source" dropdown already says "gh-pages branch", but this seems to be the case even when it's not configured; you need to drop down the menu and select "gh-pages branch" (again) anyway. This should automatically save and you should then see a message at the top of that section saying "Your site is ready to be published at>, where USER is your GitHub user name.

You then need to commit something to the gh-pages branch to trigger deployment of the site; the easiest way to do this is to select the branch from the drop-down at the main page for the site (i.e., taking you to and use the "Create new file" button to add an empty file with any name, committing it directly to the gh-pages branch to triger deployment.


There is currently work in progress to do staging deployments on Netlify. We don't have a shared organization account on Netlify because they seem to offer only paid options for that at the moment, but we do have staging URLs set up under personal accounts:

Non-local Builds/Build Servers

Some proof-of-concept work has been done on this. See PROPOSALS for more details.

Production Deployment

Production deployment is done by commiting the compiled site to the gh-pages branch. Run ./Test --prod-release to compile the site and commit the compiled code to that branch. (You must be on master branch to do this, and you must have a completely clean working copy, i.e., no modified files and no untracked files.)

Once this is done you can push the branch up with git push origin gh-pages and Netlify will automatically pick up the changes and start serving them.

For information about where this site is hosted and how it's configured, see doc/