A fornalisation of Grobner basis in ssreflect. It contains one file
It defines
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra.
From SsrMultinomials Require Import ssrcomplements freeg mpoly.
From mathcomp.contrib.grobner Require Import grobner.
Print ideal.
ideal =
fun (R : ringType) (n : nat) (L : seq {mpoly R[n]}) (p : {mpoly R[n]})
exists t, p = sum_(i < size L) t`_i * L`_i
(* it is decidable *)
Check idealfP.
: forall (R : fieldType) (n : nat) (p : {mpoly R[n]})
(l : seq {mpoly R[n]}),
reflect (ideal l p) (idealf l p)
- Author(s):
- Laurent Théry
- License: MIT License
- Compatible Coq versions: 8.19 or later
- Additional dependencies:
- Coq namespace:
- Related publication(s): none
To build and install manually, do:
git clone https://github.com/thery/grobner.git
cd grobner
make # or make -j <number-of-cores-on-your-machine>
make install