Hix is a toolkit for Haskell development that uses Nix to provide a unified, declarative interface for a range of build related tasks:
- Reproducible environments and dependency overrides
- Cabal file generation
- Hackage upload
- Rapid-recompilation testing with
- Haskell Language Server
- CTags generation
- Virtual Machines for testing
- Compatibility checks for multiple GHC versions
To learn more, please visit the documentation page.
You can convert an existing project with Cabal files by executing this command in the project root, using FlakeHub or GitHub:
nix run 'https://flakehub.com/f/tek/hix/~0.8.tar.gz#bootstrap'
nix run 'github:tek/hix?ref=0.8.0#bootstrap'
You can create a new project in the current directory:
nix run 'https://flakehub.com/f/tek/hix/~0.8.tar.gz#new' -- --name 'project-name' --author 'Your Name'
The manual process consists of first adding Hix to your Haskell project flake by specifying the input:
inputs.hix.url = "https://flakehub.com/f/tek/hix/~0.8.tar.gz";
Then configure your project with NixOS module options:
description = "Example";
inputs.hix.url = "https://flakehub.com/f/tek/hix/~0.8.tar.gz";
outputs = {hix, ...}: hix {
packages.parser = {
src = ./.;
library = {
enable = true;
dependencies = ["aeson ^>= 2.0" "bytestring"];
executable.enable = true;
test.enable = true;
Now generate Cabal files with:
nix run .#gen-cabal
Build the package with nix build
, or run the tests in test/Main.hs
in GHCid:
nix run .#ghcid -- -p parser